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warping screen in Chrono Cross

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by JackRabbid, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. JackRabbid

    JackRabbid New Member

    Hellooo! And thanks for reading this. Seriously. The fact that there are still people out there willing to put time and effort into helping other people they'll probably never even meet solve their problems is one of the few things that keeps my faith in humanity alive.

    My issue is as following: I finally decided to start playing Chrono Cross. I hadn't used ePSXe for quite a while, so I got confronted by the configuration wizard. Tried using Pete's OpenGL2, but got the "Missing Render-Texture Extension/No Pixel format Available" error, so loaded Pete's OpenGL 1.77, checked but did not change the settings, and when I subsequently Iloaded the iso it worked quite well. However, the game had a tendency to stutter during screen transitions, such as when moving from one area to another or at the start of a battle. I figured I'd try to change the settings to "fast" to see if that helped. Result: hideously grainy screen, could hardly even read what people were saying anymore. Went back to the driver settings, tried to put them back to the way they were, but when I next reran the game the image was all... wavy, or warpy, or something. That is, the characters looked as though they were being viewed through a heat mirage, stretching up and down like the reflection in a wonky mirror. I've muddled about with the settings for half an hour and can't get it to run properly anymore. Probably overlooking something really basic, but I'm afraid that my expertise in computer-related matters stops at using Word, so I'm probably using settings that are completely non-optimal for my computer anyway.

    I'm running windows 7, with an nVidia GT540M card. Any help is greatly appreciated :D
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I believe there might be a special game fix for chrono cross, check the config for that.

    Also what version of ePSXe?
  3. JackRabbid

    JackRabbid New Member

    I checked, but couldn't find any specific fixes for Chrono Cross... It's version 1.7.0.
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    chrono cross is a squaresoft game, so try ePSXe 1.5.2
  5. JackRabbid

    JackRabbid New Member

    Didn't work, sadly enough... neither did v1.8.0 :(
  6. JackRabbid

    JackRabbid New Member

    Tried a whole bunch of different video plugins, no effect.