I was wondering howmany warningmessages you can get before you get banned (and for how long you will be banned). And if the warnings will get expired. I got those messages. Thanks in advance :
There is also a level system, before the last update you can view the level, it helps determine how much you can dish out...so it could be less if it's bad enough.
does it expire? Post Merge: [time]1279186709[/time] and won't you first get a temporary ban in stead of a permanent??
Yup, they expire...but warnings given remain. So a 3rd warning 3 years from now COULD get you banned if bad enough.
Buts its not up to you to intervene-leave that to a Moderator.Half of the topics on here are for 3-10 year olds,and they dont interest me in the slightest since im 42.
I don't think we've ever really enforced it this heavily. When we do give a warning we assign it a number of points, usually 10-15 and in bad cases 25-30. Each day a point is removed, so if you get a severe warning it'll be gone by the end of the month. It'll still display but it won't really factor in towards a ban. Regardless, we're very unlikely to ban you, Littlekill is still here so we're probably way too lenient.
[me=Yoshi2889]is happy to read this[/me] I was already like "WTF why aren't I banned" when reading the post of Prowler485... On how many points could you give bans?
Whenever really. I gave .... a ban for trolling my forum and spamming the shit out of the boards with pictures of obese women.
That doesn't really answer my question. That is giving a reason to ban, not saying on how many points someone could get banned.
Probably if you reach a certain number of points (I would assume between 80 and 90 or so). I know I've received around three warnings at this point, but most were very minor offenses and the first one is probably written off already, if not all three. Well, at least I hope. Most bans are handed out to people begging for them these days for the most part. Don't see too many getting banned because of abusive content and all that jazz.
When I posted that shit you didn't do anything so what the hell is up with that?! ...wait, which forum?
Ah, so I guess my first warning has disappeared right now I was already affraid of getting banned I don't want to get banned, because I love you guys ;D
I thought littlekill was in a love hate relationship here? ...regardless, I'm thankful of how lenient you guys are...even though I question my experiences at times... [me=hYpNoS]has been warned before[/me]
Well, you didn't go to everyone's profile and post stuff on it. And on the new one. I've read a few threads about some stuff. Hehe...quite funny. ;D
bullchit anyway I got a warning for doing nothing didn't post a link or anything lol first post and ya I read the frickn rules and didn't break any , well here comes # 2 anyway! lol with no roms I don't see how it matters don't get your pocket protecter in a knot!