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Warning users with putting email adresses here?

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by mds64, Aug 18, 2009.

  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I seen some (not alot but still) so I thought of something...

    When someone joins romulation (now I forgot the join process so I'll go by what other site have done) send them an email in the confirmation that say's "read this before posting or otherwise you may risk even a ban from here for breaches"

    Sounds harsh?
    Then use something that'll let them know to at least follow the rules...

    And, as the topic says-warn them about posting real names and email adresses.

    I have no problem giving kine out as in previous threads-but first name only :)

    Any thoughts-it may ease moderation congestion a little-or completly depending on how many new posters ask questios in the wrong places.
  2. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    You could include the rules in the registration process if you wanted to, but that doesn't mean more people would read them. The same applies here.
  3. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    People are allowed to post their email address if they want. While we can be nice and help people who give out too much information it is technically not our job to protect users like that.

    It's a decent enough idea, except for the idea that there definitely isn't a mod that will scan each post for an email address.
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Just saying if it was-it is a few times...

    I just think it's safer to do via pm than just during a topic as I seen.

    As for rules-your right about that-it may not be read-just skipped thru-but with that it does give us some more power in some way.

    Reading them on site people would ignore or think it's like any other forum-but if sent via email and TOLD to read prehaps we could warn them to re-read it again before they make mistakes.

    Just saying-worth a shot.
  5. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I see that mds and I are on the same page because we are sick of seeing the same noobness here again and again.

    There has to be something that can be implemented. Perhaps a pop up ad or however IGN does it with having their ad come up every so many pages or something. (Which their ads don't come up on mine. hehe) Anything.
  6. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Maybe you can use your space-age regex magic to automatically replace the @'s in email addresses with [at]'s to protect them from those icky web crawlers.
  7. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I thought of an idea-one forum (gba temp I think) had one where you HAD to answer a small quiz on forum rules...

    Or something like that (prehaps it just asked you to type "I will not ask for roms here").

    If we could somehow get the message out-after all...it helps uesers in away...

    It also means that mods may not have to watch email adresses.

    Example-you put in a warning about using email adresses as it may harm them-if you catch one in a forum you can chose it's fate-but other wise mods don't HAVE to scan the whole of romulation.

    That way at least they were advised not too.

    As for the rules being shoved down thier throats...I can understand-this thread could go for years on solutions-but until something is possible-I don't think we can make new user's know the rules and follow them...

    I tried is all :(
  8. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Just no... thanks for the suggestions but this issue is really a non-issue, it's not up to us to force users to not give our personal information nor educate it on them - that's up to their parents.
  9. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Ah-the old blame game-I'm cool with that :)

    I just noticed one user who put out his email got his message moderated and after a few checks I thought it was an issue-prehaps the mods should just let them learn the hard way-not all were modderated.

    Ok then-until next suggestion.