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Warioware D.I.Y. Assembly dojo help

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by linze, Mar 27, 2010.

  1. linze

    linze Member

    Hey, I'm now in the assembly dojo, but I'm stuck D:
    I can't find out how to do tecnhique 17 and 19 :|
    Any help..?
  2. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    Are you using the Japanese version of the game?

    If so, the English version of the game has been fixed for virtually all carts...
  3. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    I don't see how this answers what he is saying.
  4. linze

    linze Member

    English version.
  5. Jammy780

    Jammy780 Well-Known Member

    Stage 17: Change the setting to "While art is set to 1" (Go onto the trigger, tap edit, tap art, tap specific art, tap the image showing the number 1)

    Stage 19: Change the setting to "While BUTTON switch is OFF" (go onto the trigger, tap edit, tap switch, tap the object, tap switch is off)

    Hope I helped.
  6. primenay13

    primenay13 Member

    Haha wow it doesn't read the post!!
  7. TheFreakinDuck

    TheFreakinDuck Well-Known Member

    How about Techniques 13 and 14?
  8. linze

    linze Member

    13: Do 'Win/lose'>'Has not yet lost'
    14: Travel>Jump to> Somewhere just off the stage, so it's not visible.

    And uuuh...I got the answers to them before someone replied the answers...But now I'm really really stuck at 27... D:
  9. TheFreakinDuck

    TheFreakinDuck Well-Known Member

    I don't like the Dojo xD 18, 20, 21 and 24
  10. SpudManTwo

    SpudManTwo Member

    LOL Just wait till you get 27 it will take a knife and stab you in the back :D
  11. TheFreakinDuck

    TheFreakinDuck Well-Known Member

    Some gamers still have nightmares about that fateful Technique 27 :p
  12. linze

    linze Member

    It already did multiple times D:
  13. Jammy780

    Jammy780 Well-Known Member

    C'mon guys, the Dojo isn't hard. It just takes a bit of thinking.
  14. linze

    linze Member

    Hey, I did the 2 I first asked myself finally. But this one..I tryed everything I could think off :|
  15. TheFreakinDuck

    TheFreakinDuck Well-Known Member

    I nearly killed my DSi's battery trying to solve numbers 18, 20, 21 and 24. I think once you've tried every possible solution you're entitled to a little assistance xD LOL.
  16. denekie

    denekie Well-Known Member

    I finished them all in 2 day s :eek: the same with the jobs.
  17. NeonJ

    NeonJ Well-Known Member

    HOW do you guys find Technique 27 hard?! That was as easy as pi for me. The one that really struck me with some thinking was Technique 13. But 27 was done in a flash.

    I completed 'em all. :D
  18. TheFreakinDuck

    TheFreakinDuck Well-Known Member

    Ok now I REALLY want someone to help me finish my stuck techniques. I'm curious to see what the big deal over Technique 27 is xD
  19. Dexist

    Dexist Member

    Ok i will explain 27 for you:
    Too show the ! one out of three times you play you need to set 2 triggers.

    the first trigger is the one that's already there (when time 1-1 is hit)
    So with out a second trigger the explaination mark will show directly at time 1-1 everytime you play.

    Now think of a way to get this 1/3 of the time you play.
    note: 1/3 means every time you play this game there is a 33% chance to get a "!"mark.(so it is possible to get the ! mark 3 times in a row.)

    Hint 1:
    The second trigger is also a time trigger but it is not as precise as trigger 1.
    Hint 2:
    This trigger as to be set to time and random

    set the second trigger as follows:
    set the trigger to time and set it to randomly.
    then move the little hands so it says from 1-1 to 1-3
    now everytime you play the game the second trigger will choose between 1-1 1-2 and 1-3 when to trigger the ! mark.
    so is has a 33% chance thas it will choose 1-1
    and only when both trigger show 1-1 as time the ! will show.
  20. TheFreakinDuck

    TheFreakinDuck Well-Known Member

    O_O Not exactly what I meant but thanks I think. I haven't even gotten to Technique 27 yet. I still need need the answers to 18, 20, 21 and 24.