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veggies or meat?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by DSaddictforever, Apr 10, 2009.

  1. DSaddictforever

    DSaddictforever Well-Known Member

    okay this may seem utterly stupid,
    but me and my "vegetarian" cousin have been arguing about what's better because just awhile ago i was bugging him to go and eat some meat because he was like, a toothpick... so thin :p then he goes like "meat sucks no way i barf at the taste" then i go "if i could only pick one, i'd rather eat meat than veggies for a whole year."

    i think it has something to do with the age,
    since i'm 13 and he's 21.
    so just asking all vegetarians and meat-lovers out there,
    which one provides more nourishment in the body, tastes better, and you'd rather have?
    meat or veggies? :p
  2. atmizi69

    atmizi69 Well-Known Member

    basically you shouldn't pick a fight with vegetarians, cause the lack of nutrition prohibits them from thinking clearly :D

    but seriously, what's with this vegetarian/vegan craze? those freaks think that they're doing the animals a favor. from what i know these people are nothing but judgmental when it comes to eating meat.

    for me, there's no point on being a vegan (extremist vegetarians) or a vegetarian. you need nutrients from meat and from vegetables as well. humans are omnivores right?

    i pity those fools that deprive themselves from McDonald's Big Mac or a steak :D

    p.s Don't u find it funny that vegetarians have a need for imitation meat? i thought vegetarians are thru with meat...bunch of hypocrites :D
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I can speak from personal experience on this subject. While I was in South Africa, we went on a wilderness experience. We walked for miles into the bush, set up camp miles from anywhere, made our meal over an open fire and camped out in the open surrounded by the animals.

    One member of the group was a vegetarian, and so while the rest of us were enjoying our boerwors (a yummy South African sausage), she was eating pasta the ranger prepared for her in a billy can. As she was eating, he asked her why she was a vegetarian, and while I don't remember what her answer was, I clearly remember his response: 'You'll regret it tomorrow."

    The next day, we packed up camp and started to walk the 10 miles back to the lodge for breakfast. Around half way, the vegetarian collapsed and had to be carried the rest of the way. Despite being solid carbohydrate, the pasta she had eaten the previous night had not given her enough energy to make it back.
  4. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    Veggies or meat, if you are asking for a whole year of nothing to eat except for meat or veggies, I'll eat the veggies for the whole year. But I'll not stop eating meat after that. why ask me eat only veggies, here's my answer:

    Veggies is good source of fiber, so, i will not have problem in digesting and let bowels go. while if i eat meat the whole year, it will be hard to digest and i'll get a big tummy, like now. hehehe

    But with respect to vegetarians, we should also balance it, its hard to become carnivore all your life as well as become herbivore, we are created as omnivore.

    was she okay? did she collapsed of hunger or being a vegetarian produce some kind of problem for the body?
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    she was fine when we got back to the lodge and got her more food. she collapsed because she ran out of energy. The pasta she had eaten did not give her enough to get her through the night AND a 10 mile walk the next morning.
  6. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    Um, she walked 10 miles on a empty stomach? she ate the pasta last night, right? that means that the energy she got from last night is only meant for her to last the whole night. If she had to walk 10miles, then that would be impossible. except if you are really energetic.
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    it wasn't a problem for those of us that had eaten meat.
  8. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I've been a meat lover for most of my life, but I do love a select few kinds of vegetables (mostly the salad engridient kind). But the thing is, we need both. Meat provides us with proteins & carbohydrates that serves as our bodies' fuel so we can be active & energetic. But without vegetables we don't get things like anti oxidants, minerals & vitamins that help process the energy meat gives. That's why though they do lack energy, vegetarians seem to look more "healthier" than meat lovers look.

    Like everything else in nature balance is everything :)
  9. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    Ah, well like cahos said. it should be balanced. Eat veggies to look great and eat meat to be strong and healthy.

    Also, if you want to be vegetarian, should have the will power to avoid eating meat. The smell of newly cooked "lechon" its crispy skin, juicy meat and flavorful "sarsa".
  10. DSaddictforever

    DSaddictforever Well-Known Member

    but if you can only choose between eating one of those for a whole year in every single meal what would it be?

    i'd go via meat.

    I don't think i can survive in veggies alone...

    no matter how much veggies i eat i don't get full :(
  11. atmizi69

    atmizi69 Well-Known Member

    of course you don't get full eating veggies alone...if i were to choose of course i'd go with meat. how much can you do with veggies? with meats there's 101 ways to prepare it. fried,BBQ, salted,smoked,sausage,hamburger etc... Viva La Meat!
  12. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Balance diet FTW. Both my sisters were total vegies, now, as they are getting a little older, both have been advised by their doctors to incorporate a little more meat based protein in their diets. So a little fish and egg has really helped them re-balance their diets.
    One of the problems with the science on humans eating meat is that the role of protein is still clouded in some mystery, it would seem to be essential but the mechanism as to why it is essential is still unknown. Vitamin B12 is also an issue for vergetarians, it is very difficult to get enough without eating meat, soya based products do have some B12 but not allot and without this vitamin you will become very unhealthy.
    Too much meat, especialy beef and pork, will also make you ill.
    The classic approach of Indian(as in India not native Americans) vegetarians which seems to be reasonably healthy is to include eggs, honey, milk and ghee(clarified cow butter) in their diet. They avoid all other meat products and refined(white) sugar. This diet is known as ovo-lacto-vegetarian.
    Personally I do eat meat in most meals but when I cook I also include a good selection of vegetables(they are inexpensive). I do enjoy a nice vegetarian meal too but I love cooking with meat.
  13. Inylo

    Inylo Guest

    You can fry,BBQ,smoke,salt most veggies as well.

    I am a vegetarian for 6 years.

    I am 13 now... The rest of my family is not.

    I am perfectly healthy, sane, and a good student at school.

    I resist the smell of whatever.. bacon, burgers etc.

    I do not eat the imitation meat, and contrary to your belief, most vegetarians don't eat immitation meat.

    If they do, it is for the taste, not because they need meat.
  14. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    @Inylo I think you are to be admired for sticking to your diet for so many years, and I am glad that you have had no health problems.

    Some people including myself have pointed out possible problems with being vegetarian but lets forget that for a sec and if I may ask 2 questions; why did you decide to become vegetarian? and have you seen any benefits in being vegetarian?

    I think it is important for people to see if there are benefts to your diet choice, and you are in a great position to advocte your role as a young person who has experienced the vegetarian lifestyle for a long time.
  15. Inylo

    Inylo Guest

    Okay... I truly despise the reason question.. But i'll answer it anyway. Let me say first off... I realize that the 3 or so % of people in the world that are vegetarian are NOT going to stop people around the world from killing animals and eating animals. I'd also like to say that I hate vegetarians that eat fish. What is so different about a fish to a chicken?

    Anyway: To answer your question... I have a couple of reasons. 1. I don't like the taste. 2. I hate killing animals pre maturely 3. I saw something at a farm.... It was a truck filled with 5-6 baby pigs. I thought they were kinda cute lol. It said.. on the top of the truck.. "From The Farm To The Fork" I was pretty disgusted.

    Benefits......Hmmmm? Well, I get lots of vitamins and healthiness lol. You might say I dont get enough protein because I don't eat enough meat. I, rather,we...should get 55Grams of protein a day. This can of beans I have at home is 30 Grams which I have for dinner every day is good. Then I have 2 eggs in the morning and tofu at lunch. It adds up...

  16. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Thank you Inylo for answering my first question, you are not unusual with being annoyed by being asked that as a vegetarian. I am glad you decided to answer and I think your answers are both honest and moving.

    I will not offer any criticism of what you say as I have no interest in getting you to eat meat. I will say that your stated hatred of people who eat fish and claim to be vegetarian is a bit much, and perhaps a vegetarian who does eat fish could explain their position better than I could. Also, I would imagine you could explain to a non egg eating vegetarian why it is ok to eat eggs.

    I began my entry into this discussion advocating a balanced diet, I think as humans we do well eating some meat and lots of lovely veg, I would love to see how the pure vegetarian diet or pure carnivore diet is better than an omnicore diet. But heh, I will not say you should eat meat, that is your choice and that should be respected.

    In response to the OP. I think if you were to go only for meat or veg for 1 whole year I think you would be better going for veg. When cooked properly or uncooked, veg can be so wonderful and varied, and I think if you add some fruit and seeds then you open up allot of very tasty and nutritious meals. I adore veg (i am not so hot on fruit) and if you think you don't like veg so much then maybe it is being prepared in a way that does not suit your taste. My son says he hates mushrooms and onions, but when I cook them, he loves them(he just knows it is better to say he does not like them when other people cook them).
  17. Inylo

    Inylo Guest

    Well... Thanks?
  18. atmizi69

    atmizi69 Well-Known Member

    Eat what you want to eat, just stay away from that PETA crap.
  19. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Oh god yes. PETA is the absolute worse organization ever. Use donation money for insane protests, being hypocritical and just ugh GOD.
  20. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    why stop anyone to eat what they want. What i hate about people eating meat are the those that eat meat from endangered animals. I saw a film that eating an eagle, like i said, what the hell??? first, its a national symbols and its like endangered already. I dont have problems to those who eat, beef, pork, chicken, duck, sheep, lambs, turkey. Those are domesticated and they produced fast and many. look at the chicken, then can be produced in thousands in just a month or 2