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Vegetarians & Vegans

Discussion in 'Debates' started by meobi, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. meobi

    meobi Member

    Do you agree with these??

    Ok, i know it is peoples rights to choose what they eat, and i'm not against any of this - if it makes people happy to not eat meat then fine by me. Also, it has been proven that being a vegetarian is apparently more healthy because according to some nutritionists, humans were originally herbivores. Well here are the reasons i have brought this up:

    - i am the biggest meat eater in the whole world and just want to know what other meat eaters think about this as well as you vegetarians out there.

    - i have a friend who's a vegetarian who finds it hard to eat out with people sometimes because she can't really eat anything. she also needs all these supplements as there is a lack of iron intake (and you know that women need more iron than men, biology people!!) and she is not taking in enough protein. The reason she became a vegetarian was because she never tried any kind of meat before and thinks she would be sick - yes it's all psychological.

    - Another vegetarian i know is trying to buff up and hasn't been able to get quite as big as he wants - YOU KNOW WHY???

    - Say, we were originally herbivores but wasn't that like centuries ago?? wouldn't our genes have evolved by then or else we would still be living like cavemen now.

    - If vegetarianism makes life harder for some of you (not all of you, you might think it's easier) then why practice it??
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    We are omnivores, meaning we need both meat and vegetables.

    I also question whether vegetarianism is healthier, I think that's fud. When I was in South Africa, we spent a night camping in the bush amongst the wild animals. We marched out into the bush, made camp and had supper. One of our group was a vegetarian, so her supper consisted of pasta (Note that pasta is pure carbohydrate), while the rest of us ate meat. During the meal, one of our rangers told the vegetarian that she would regret being a vegetarian the next morning. We turned in for the night, and when the sun rose, we struck camp and removed all traces of our presence, and commenced the march back to our base for breakfast (we had no food with us). Sure enough, around half way back, the vegetarian collapsed, her energy reserves completely depleted, and one of the rangers had to carry her the rest of the way. Just as the head ranger had predicted, even pure carbohydrate did not give her enough energy to make it back to base.
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I'll use this on some veggies and see what they think :p

    I kinda agree, sure veggies are healthy...but you need a mix, it's the way we are made...
  4. meobi

    meobi Member

    Yeah and you know what? Meat is also better for weightloss, even fatty ones. I already shed a few pounds eating lots of meat/fibre and very limited carbs whereas many vegetarians i know are quite big.
  5. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Protein is more energy giving that carbs. That maybe debatable, but from someone that did the carb diet, it's an abysmal failure. A sixteen year old girl I used to talk to, had blackouts. Well she's vegan, and she was told there was a reason she passed out. Much like Loony's story above. Beef, fish, lamb, whatever you choose. We were made omnivores, and trying to go herbivore ends in unconsciousness, at least from those I know who ate no meat products.
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Preety much.

    Same applies to a panda bear, sure they can survive on bamboo...but they'd be better off with some meat.

    If they get some (usually a dead animal somewhere...) it's a big energy boost that they desperatly need.
  7. meobi

    meobi Member

    Well isn't that why panda's are dying off though. Because people have been invading their territories and there isn't enough bamboo for them to eat anymore as apparently a panda consumes mega mega amounts of bamboo a day because it doesn't give them a lot of energy.
  8. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

  9. Oteupaiecona

    Oteupaiecona Well-Known Member

    We were not originally herbivores, as has been stated by other members, we are and always have been omnivores.
    Centuries ago is not enough time for evolution to make such dramatic changes.It would of taken hundreds of thousands, even millions of years.
    As for being a vegetarian, there are lots of arguments for it, including how slaughter houses are plain evil.
    But what can i say?
    I just love my double bacon cheeseburger!
  10. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    We might someday don't even consume food naturally.
  11. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    We were omnivores. We were maybe herbivores billions of years ago, when were single celled....

    Anyways, my vegetarian friend calls Vegan's CRAZY. I find it hilarious.

    Vegetarians can have milk and eggs, (and things like bread and brownies cause that is what milk and eggs make) and vegans can't have anything meat related.
  12. Annanelle

    Annanelle Well-Known Member

    it's all a personal choice, i love my ham and bacon, but i love my veggies too
    it is a bit of a catering hassle a a sleepover if theres a vegetarian or vegan staying.
    theres the people who wont say thy're vegetarin because they're embarrassed.
    their problem if they have low self esteem
  13. I used to be a meat eater and now i am a vegetarian, there are simple things you could do so u don't pass out, for instance eggs and peanut butter are high in protin, and not to mention just go to a vitamin store to get your daily vitamins. And for people say that's its hard to eat out, almost all restaurants offer salads.

    There are also two types of vegetarians- strict one you don't eat any meat, and ones that will eat fish and other types of seafood

    "vegans can't have anything meat related" That's true, but they also don't eat anything that comes from animals for instance animal fat for jello or sheep wool, they also don't use products that tasted on animals, like shampoo or makeup
  14. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    There are alternitives to the shampoo and makeups, but I would have thought they would have went without make up at least.
  15. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    having a balanced diet is still the best for human body considering the food pyramid. but i have nothing against vegetarians, we all have our own choices anyway.
  16. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    Vegetarian might have thier own reason for being one, some for being religion related. i know couple of people that become vegetarian during certain day of year for religion purpose.

    i dont know any long term vegetarian or vegans, plus its thier own choice for not eating meat, human race is a hunter race, we have been hunter since the beginging and there is a reason why we are what we are.

    i personally think what work the best is having both as i offen do.
  17. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    and some become vegetarians because of animal cruelty.
  18. Mein

    Mein Well-Known Member

    Vegetarian is healthy, but vegan isn't completely healhty. They usually lacks of some body nutrition.
  19. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    The key is balance in what you eat. Sugar is considered a "no-no", but it has a purpose as well.
    I saw a man yesterday with a "What would god eat" T-shirt on.
    On the front it said, "Humans."
    Turns out it was Godzilla,
    It was good for a chuckle.
  20. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    I don't have a problem with Vegetarians but Vegans just seem to be a bunch self obssesed hippies with noting better to do than shout in my face about how eating meat is MURDER. Also vegan's are fruit murderers and vegetable molesters.