So I downloaded today the 2.0 Beta 1 version of VBA-M and I find that I cannot start it, I get that error when I try to run the file, googling for a bit tells me I need to install the resdist of visual c++ 2010... which I already have. So any ideas?
Have you also tried using the "newer" 1490 MFC build? I actually prefer these MFC builds over the WX builds (which VBA-M 2 is) TBH.
I downloaded the one that is on the OP of their thread in Ngemu so yeah the WX build, I fetched a previous WX SVN build and it runs. I dl'ed the 1490 build and it also works too.
You SHOULD DEFINITELY bookmark VBA-M's official site at if you really want to keep tabs on their latest releases, I know I do Also their official support forums: I am registered there under a different username, because my Cahos Rahne Veloza account was de-activated for some reason, probably got scrubbed along with other Spammy botters from the same IP range as I have
One of the (I think) Devs Squall Leonheart more or less shifted the blame on me saying I should fix my and I quote 'broken computer' So yeah I doubt the forums will be of any help.
Download all MS Visual Runtimes (both x86 and x64) for 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012 & 2013 depend on your OS system. OR... visit here... download All In One Runtimes (in German version, works on any languages). Then, run the program and will download and install entire runtimes, including NET Framework etc... Enjoy!