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Valentine's Day...anyone care?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BloodVayne, Feb 13, 2008.

  1. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    Hmm... Valentine's day is coming up. :-X Just wondering if anyone cares about/ celebrates it.
    Personally, I think it's a big marketing campaign by companies to get you to buy stuff. No connection with "love" whatsoever. What do you guys think?
  2. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, they just want you to buy expensive jewelry for your loved one. I do think it does have a connection with love, however. Someone might get the nerve to ask another out to dinner and a movie, or whatever people do on Valentines Day. Last year I gave my Girlfriend a crap load of stuff Valentine bears, they where holding stuff, candies, crap like that. But she gave me this bad ass looking bear in knight armour with Hershey's kisses, it was the bomb.
  3. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    You should show your other half love every day of the year....
    Not just Feb 14th....
    So...No....I don't celebrate Valentines Day
  4. koyuchan

    koyuchan Well-Known Member

    Time to cooking Chocolates !!! :D
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    In my opinion Valentines day is rather like Christmas... the only people who really celebrate are the retailers.
  6. jinja

    jinja Well-Known Member

    hmm my class asked me this same question today...i told them all about how some people think its a money making scam associated with capitalism, and i told them how other people think that valentines day shouldnt be the only day you celebrate your love for someone, it should be everyday. then i said to them that even though everyday should be a celebration of love, its nice to have a singular day when all kinds of love explodes. usually people who believe that valentines day is a capitalist enterprise that wants to suck cash out of you are the people that agree that money cant buy you love. so if buying expensive presents isnt getting people love on valentines day, logically then we have to assume that the act of buying expensive gifts is only secondary to expressing your love. therefore, we have to settle on the fact that valentines day couldnt possibly be about buying someone expensive gifts, but rather about expressing love to someone you...well...love. im not saying companies dont exploit us on valentines day because they offer us cards and candy to buy at ridiculous prices, but that isnt really illegal. but the most important point is that valentines day, like everyday, is what you make of it...so happy valentines day guys
  7. tristian

    tristian New Member

    I hope I get a card at work tomorrow (I think its tomorrow). My work place is generally full of young-and-old women. I'm off to the pub on Friday or Saturday (got some free drinks) so hopefully when I get a card I will invite a couple of lasses out even if I don't get a card.
  8. Tboi

    Tboi Well-Known Member

    Can i have one? i like chocolate.
  9. drea2906

    drea2906 Active Member

    I like Valentines day. Companies may create stuff to get you to buy, but when it comes down to it, its the buyer that throws his or her money away, its just weather or not you can be strong enough to not fall for the schems. My boyfriend and I have been together so long that every year Valentines day becomes more and more like just another day. Its now...Happy singles awareness day. hahahahaha
  10. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Well I use to as a child but I doesnt matter to me anymore since I dont hand out Valentine's Day cards :p But Well I gotta find a love first! ;)
  11. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    I gave a chocolate bar to my girlfriend :p
  12. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    wait.....i though on Valentine's Day the girl should give guy chocolate...or is that only apply to japan?

    anyway, my friend's brithday on valentine's day...too bad he is not a she.
  13. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure about the "rules", I don't really celebrate it anyway. I just gave it to her since she was in need of sugar :p
  14. jinja

    jinja Well-Known Member

    lol in japan girls give guys stuff on 14th of feb...and on 14th march uys give girls as a reply right? well the rest of the world just does everything on the 14th of feb
  15. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    The White Valentine XD
  16. jinja

    jinja Well-Known Member

    lol yeah except im subcontinent of origin so...lol
  17. Tboi

    Tboi Well-Known Member

    Happy Valentines Day!
  18. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    Yay! Got a few boxes of chocolate from my girlfriend. Screw Valentine's I just love the chocolate
  19. Tboi

    Tboi Well-Known Member

    Give me some!!
  20. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I just gave a rose to my crush, and it turned out she left another rose on my dest while I was cleaning up he room, it said To Karl, From Charisse, its weird, beacuse I gave her one, To Charisse from Karl, except I gave her a white rose...and she gave me a black rose xD, joke lang she gave me a red rose, weird if it was a black rose, but I gave her some chocolates aswell...but she sit's behind me, so it was weird...and it was mandatory to do it in my class, because of my teacher, Mrs. Matchmaker xD Mrs. Chismosa (Chismosa means gossiper in filipino)anyways, we hung out at the mall, the same day the actort from Zaido was there, it was weird... I saw my parents there, and I ahd to ditcher her lol, but onyl for a few minutes... She asked me where I was for the past ten minutes, Is aid, I got lost...In a small mall, but most people were at the mall today, yelling out "EEEEEE" at us, some thing us Pinoys do when we know someone has a crush, and they ahng out together, its weird, and awkward, yeah, thats my valentines day, I gave her a white rose, and some chocolate, and she gave me a red rose, lol the chocolate was expensive man! 80 pesos per bar Tolberone, and the rose was only 25 pesos, only about 3 US dollars, but it seems so much here, the red rose was cheaper lol