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Discussion in 'Sports' started by damanali, Apr 6, 2009.

  1. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    Wow, its so nice to go to a new place around the world. Just got back from Macau via Hongkong, and its so cool.

    We visited a lot of places and historical areas there. I'll post a few pics later, just too tired to upload the pics.

    What places do you go for your vacations?
  2. Datanotfound

    Datanotfound Well-Known Member

    Most memorable places I've been are Washington DC and roaming over most of Germany (my father is German and his side ofthe family lives there) on family vacations when I was younger.
  3. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    i have a week off last week and all i did is lock my self in my room to play my PS3 (basically its eat, game, sleep, repeat)....ya i dont like to out much....
  4. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    That's why I kinda feel we're like brothers Cal, we kinda think the same, LMAO!

    I too have atleast two weeks of Vacation that started on Monday & I too don't even wanna leave my room, just play a few MMORPGs, some retro ROMs & log onto RomUlation :)

    We definitely have no lives Cal, therefore how can anyone kill us ;D
  5. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    LOL XD

    edit: life is overrated XD
  6. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    Okay, this is my camera video recording of the firework display at hongkong disneyland.
    Also, sorry for the poor quality and and its cut short because my phone went dead on me just before the ending. And I'll upload the pics later to sort and name them. Pls enjoy.

  7. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I love vacations a lot. My husband and I go on as much vacations as we can, we usually go down to the city of Edmonton to go to concerts if there's any bands playing. We plan on going to Japan, Germany and probably Italy (again) during the summer. We went to Paris and Venice for our honeymoon and we never got the chance to see Florence and Rome and stuff and we want to see it.

    I also recommend anyone to travel, it's a breathtaking experience to see how it is there compared to where you live and to see the beautiful landmarks and stuff. I mean La Louvre is beautiful and Venice is probably the most amazing place I've been to in my life. It's also so much fun with friends.
  8. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Yes do travel, if you have the money to do so *sigh*
  9. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Definitely, we always save out money, if you have a job and are smart with money without a lot or any debt, getting a lot of money is simple. The only thing that we pay off is our mortgage, that's it. Our car is all paid for, and we always avoid credit cards. And save, save save. That's how you get vacation money if you want to travel.
  10. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    @Natewlie: Well you should consider monetary value when you qouted, ridiculed & commented my post.

    Not everyone's money is equal you know :p

    Take my measly Php20,000 peso monthly salary, sure 20k may sound alot but when you convert it to something like an American Dollar which is 1$ = Php48.04, Php20,000 pesos is only about $416.32 rounded off, where do you think that can take me, considering I can only manage to save $30 or so dollars each month with the bills & other expenses I have ???
  11. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Well, the best place I've been thus far is probably New York, simply because it's so different from Denmark and all the usual places I've visited.

    That said, the most amazing was probably my 3 months Europe tour, even though I was just 12 years old when it took place I still remember the far majority of it and we toured amazing locations throughout Italy, France, Spain, Portugal and such.

    You probably won't find a more idyllic place than Tuscany in Italy, or a more unique city than Venice, (at least not in Europe) even though it's quite a bit polluted it still has a certain charm. Nothing can really beat the beaches of Spain (again, in Europe, at least) in the Costa Brava region around Barcelona. (where the amazing Sagrada Família church is)

    Portugal was... interesting and had some really quaint places at the southern coast but Lisbon was largely disappointing back then.

    Yeah, I don't really know what my point is besides that I wouldn't want to be without my vacation.
  12. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    yeah, thats may not be much. but you may be surprised about that 400 bucks every month. it can go a long way if you save enough and if you do some investing.

    you're from denmark? thats just cross border with Germany right? I was planning a trip to Germany, have you been there and if so, what is do you think about that place? well, i dont like going to Spain, because our country was colonized by Spain and i think whatever is there, i can see here in our country like the architecture of the churches and other historical site.

    But like to visit Italy though.. go to Rome and Venice, and maybe Milan.
  13. d.L

    d.L Member

  14. CameronJHayes

    CameronJHayes Well-Known Member