idk about everyone else but, i use my emulator and roms for checking out how the game is before buying it (for ds) and playing the ones that are not easy to find and are not manufactured anymore. anyone concurr???
C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER! I download my games because I am a cheap ass and thus save my money for drugs,booze,wild women, and Reese Cups.
I love you. Reese Cups are fucking awesome. On-topic: I download roms usually because I don't have the system I require to play the games on a console.
I only really emulate games these days that i have or had, just in portable form...I can't lug around my wii with super metroid on it...unlike my psp
I use emulators so I can play with Fan Translation hacks as well as level edit hacks made by ROM Hackers.
I play Roms because my Pocket goes before my e-honor. Game Price are absurd high in my contry because of tax. And tbh, original games aren't that cheap for starters.
I play using an emulator because I don't have a DS, my parents won't get me one!!! And I'm probably too busy playing starcraft... That and I can make the screen size larger and stuff. Copy/Paste Cheats and mods, etc.