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USB microSD port no longer is recognized in computer

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by badknight14, Mar 30, 2010.

  1. badknight14

    badknight14 New Member


    I am new to the forms so I am sorry if this has already been put up. The device that allows me to drag games onto the memory chip is no longer working. Randomly the device stopped. At first the device worked perfectly. But now the device is (Unknown Device) and I can no longer drag stuff onto my r4.

    Does anyone know what to do?

  2. rell

    rell Well-Known Member

    try formatting.
  3. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    You won't be able to format it if the computer doesn't recognize that it is a drive attached.

    Try a different USB port. One not next to the one you are currently using, since computers usually have multiple USB ports chained to a single input. So if you are using one on the back, try one on the front, etc.

    Try a different MicroSD adapter. They do tend to fail, especially the ones shipped with flashcarts, which are generally cheaper quality.
  4. badknight14

    badknight14 New Member


    Thanks for your response. What do you mean by formatting?
  5. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Formatting basically resets the drive and makes sure that it's in a format that the computer can understand.
    In the process, it also deletes all the files on your drive.

    When formatting SD drives, you should use this program:
  6. badknight14

    badknight14 New Member

    Okay thank you.
  7. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    And depending on what program you format with, it also screws up and whatever amount of your drive was taken up before formatting is the new max amount your drive can take! (It happened to me... I was screwed out of almost .20 of my 2gb Micro SD card.)
  8. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Sectors can become permanently corrupted and inaccessible. Also, 2GB cards aren't exactly 2GB, because of the 1024 bytes per kbyte, etc. (2GB cards would really be around 1.9GB, etc.)

    Formatting itself won't remove any space from your card, corrupted/dead sectors can. Defragmenting your MicroSD is a bad idea, since it will read/write numerous times to move files around. SD technology has a limited read/write cycle number. It's very high, and usually higher than the life of the device itself, but defragging is not good for it.
  9. MissMarlo

    MissMarlo Well-Known Member

    haha, lame. i had this happen to me, too.

    i just bought a new microSD reader. not sure how i broke my last one, but like yours, it just stopped working. as soon as i tried it with another reader, it was fine. no need to format your card or anything drastic.
  10. XeNo - A.K.A Steelez

    XeNo - A.K.A Steelez Well-Known Member

    I had a similar problem like this also where my microSD card reader wasn't reading my SD card so I uninstalled it and restarted my pc. Now my card reader isn't even recognized.
  11. matty999555

    matty999555 Well-Known Member

    Thats why I have 3! One from my R4, one from my DS Iplayer and an sd converter and
  12. badknight14

    badknight14 New Member

    Lol, okay I think im going to buy a new reader. Thanks you guys.
    Post Merge: [time]1270000672[/time]
    I bought a new reader and everything works fine again. Thanks for helping me.