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USB Keyboard not working

Discussion in 'Non-Emulation Help' started by Churlbreak3, Aug 31, 2014.

  1. Churlbreak3

    Churlbreak3 Active Member

    I have this usb keyboard which i've been using for a month or so. But today, it just stopped working all of a sudden. It thought it was my pc's fault but i plugged in a backup USB keyboard and it's working just fine. The other keyboard has lights on it so when I plug it in the usb port, it lights up but it doesn't install it's drivers like it should. What's the problem T_T
  2. Neon32

    Neon32 Neo-Noir

    May be its the usb recievers fault, have tried this keyboard on over computer ? Anyway you can always try searching the internet for the drivers and install it manually, after installing this see if the keyboard is working if not then it may be the recievers fault.
  3. Churlbreak3

    Churlbreak3 Active Member

    I have tried it on my another computer but it still didn't work. I have tried looking for it's drivers on the internet, but to no avail :|. It's a Dragon War Darksector keyboard so I don't know what drivers i could use for it. I also run on a vista so if it's possible for someone to give me info about what drivers i can use, it will be most appreciated.
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    it doesn't need drivers. If it isnt getting detected on multiple computers I'd say the board is dead. Send it back under warranty and get a replacement.
  5. Churlbreak3

    Churlbreak3 Active Member

    Well, surprisingly, there's been an update to my situation. At first, i had given up on it but I tried opening it up and fiddling with the connections. After finally removing the back and moving some of the sensors (if that's what you call them) and the wires, the numlock finally lights up and it finally installs the drivers BUT, this is what it says when installing.

    USB Composite Device Searching Preconfigured driver folders...
    USB Human Interface Device Ready to Use
    USB Human Interface Device Ready to Use

    It says searching but it's stuck at that. It doesn't really do anything besides that. The numlock lights up but the entire keyboard itself remains inactive. Anyway to fix this or is it still broken like Loonylion said? Thanks in advance.
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    the usbhid driver should be good enough to get it working so I'd say you haven't actually fixed it.
  7. Churlbreak3

    Churlbreak3 Active Member

    Ah, I see. Is there anything i could do to fix it? Or is it pretty much dead at this point?
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I doubt its fixable. if its new there would be a warranty on it, but probably not now you've opened it
  9. Churlbreak3

    Churlbreak3 Active Member

    I've had it for a month and the warranty ended a week after i bought it so the warranty has expired either way. But dang, that sucks :| Guess i'll just have to wait till i can get a new one. But thanks for your help.
  10. BelfastGuy

    BelfastGuy Member

    My internet dongle was doing same when it was dead, stuck at installing drivers bit and the dongle got extremly hot. im 35 year old and have realised some things wether old or not.