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Upgrading R4 SDHC to newer frimware?

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by TransformersFan, Dec 4, 2010.

  1. Hey guys,

    Ive been trying for the last few days to get my SDHC updated with a newer firmware to play newer games. Ive tried Wood and failed as apparently wood will not work on SDHC. I cleared and reformatted my R4 (deleting all my old data) in frustration and tried again and failed. Tried Ys menu and Ys menu with TTmenu and failed. All I get is two white screens or rom errors. I can still play old games but roms like Golden Sun, Etrian Oddyssey 3 or 999 will not load or freeze.

    Can someone suggest an easy and hassle free method? Ive gotten some advice so far, but maybe Im too stupid to figure it out. Im probably doing somethin wrong, so a simple step by step with non-techy languange would be great. Like Ive said before, I admire you guys for being so helpful and technically inclined, so have sympathy on a noob. :)
  2. tsubakix2

    tsubakix2 Well-Known Member

    I dunno if you have the same as mine (I have an R4 SDHC Renovation (lolz) V2.10, has a gold sticker on the cart), but, the first step would be to go ahead and DL the latest firmware from the website on your card.

    The one for my card that is most recent is v2.1011, and it plays Sonic Colors (I don't know HOW much of it it plays since I dabbled in the first level)... but I wanted to ensure I could play anything, so I got YSmenu on there.

    Be forewarned though- the MOST recent firmware on my card's sticker site wasn't working with YSmenu. So I used v2.10T07.


    That is a link to iluvfupaburgers's excellent topic about YSmenu. I am now able to play Golden Sun, Pokemon Black... but not Sonic colors for some reason.:(

    Just remember that you need the card firmware alongside YSmenu. YSmenu is launched in the R4 menu like it was a game, then you go into the program. I couldn't figure out getting YSmenu to default start on mine, but it doesn't bother me all that much. I'm new to flash carts, so the tutorial for YS is pretty easy I think. Just remember to rename the TTmenu.dat to TTmenu.nds so you can launch it like a game.

    Hope that helps!
  3. The card I have is a R4 SDHC Revolution for DS. I have the latest firmware for this card, and while while I can get Ysmenu to launch fine, its when I select TTmenu that I get two white screens. I have TTmenu folder in my root, and I rename ttmenu.dat to .nds and still failure. Am I placing folders in the wrong sections on my card. Its not just the newer roms, but I just cant get TTmenu to launch, period. Its so weird and frustrating.
  4. tsubakix2

    tsubakix2 Well-Known Member

    I'm a bit new at this- but here's my process- I turn it on, get the R4 screen. Games->Launch TTmenu.nds. From there, I go down the list and select a rom. I dunno for sure, but I think launching ttmenu while already in the program might be causing the white screens? Because I just tried doing that and it locked up my DS.XD

    But yeah. My YSmenu folders and such are exactly where yours are- and then I also have a folder called "games" on the root with the roms.
  5. My problem is that I cant get TTmenu to launch to begin with. :(
  6. tsubakix2

    tsubakix2 Well-Known Member

    OH! Durp on my part. Well, I am not well-versed in this stuff like I said, but I've read a fair share of topics.:p

    Anyhow, I've noticed if people get white/black screens launching TTmenu, backing up the card, reformatting the micro sd, and putting on the files again is a common troubleshooting method. Do you have 6.40 YSMenu?
  7. Yeah, Im using 6.40. I reformatted my SD before when I tried to get wood to work. Thanks for the help though, its greatly appreciated. ;)
  8. tsubakix2

    tsubakix2 Well-Known Member

    Darn! Well anyways, I hope things work out somehow.:( Perhaps someone with more knowledge can come in here. I've never been on such a nice community in a long time.XD
  9. Kaptan

    Kaptan Well-Known Member

    I had huge problems with R4 sdhc revolution for DS (the one that currently has v1.34). I don't think R4 sdhc revolution for DS will ever be compatible with most of the newer games. The firmware hasn't been updated for ages and even YS Menu doesn't work for the most recent ones. I must admit that I never tried using TTmenu.

    My solution was to spend some $ and buy an acekard. I haven't looked back since.
  10. Up intil last month I havent had issues with R4 SDHC, DQ9, Kingdom Hearts, Devil Survivor, Zelda Spirit Tracks all worked. Oh well...
  11. cyberbri

    cyberbri Member

    I am having the same issues and have been trying all week to resolve.
    R4 SDHC Revolution for DS v1.34. I have tried all different methods I can find but still not able to get it going with any new games. Is this cart left behind in the dust?? I only ask because I have taken alot of time reading and reformating but still can't get a load. If anyone does have this cart using this latest firmware along with ?? add-on menu and actually have it working on new latest games, please post. Thanks, cyberbri