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Upgrading CFW (PSP-2000)

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by SakuraMartinez, Nov 15, 2011.

  1. SakuraMartinez

    SakuraMartinez Well-Known Member

    So, I haven't been keeping up with the PSP Scene for a while now and I know a lot of newer CFWs have been released already since 5.50 Prom-4. I was wondering what is the best CFW to use right now. I have a PSP-2000 with a 5.50 Prom-4 custom firmware.

    I would also need a guide for upgrading since it has been a while since I last did it.
    Info and help is greatly appreciated.
  2. Joel16

    Joel16 Well-Known Member

    actually all firmwares and all psp are hackable

    i think u should update to 6.60 either 6.60 pro or 6.60 me use google on these 2 cfw. I would say use 6.60 pro
    its easy download 6.60 update
    then download the 6.60 cfw from here:

    use cipl flasher if ur psp slim 2000 is hackable

  3. SakuraMartinez

    SakuraMartinez Well-Known Member

    I've Googled them and still am a bit confused. Can I just upgrade from 5.50 PROM-4 to 6.60 PRO (is this also the same as the PRO-B? Or is PRO-B a newer version?) or ME (Is the current ME version ME-1.3 or is there a newer one?)?

    Also, which is better: PRO or ME?

    Another thing, I haven't heard of this cipl flasher-thing. Why do I need it if I am just going to update from 5.50 PROM-4 to a newer CFW?

    Sorry for all the questions. XD
  4. Joel16

    Joel16 Well-Known Member

    I would say pro since im using pro and yes pro b is the latest version if u want more information on cipl flasher, it is a thing that makes your cfw (6.60 pro B 10) permanent and also note this is ONLY FOR HACKABLE PSP.
  5. SakuraMartinez

    SakuraMartinez Well-Known Member

    I thought that CFWs for the phat and slim (non TA-088v3) are permanent. Or did they change that now?
    Also, I read somewhere yesterday (can't remember where) that there is a dual boot CFW out? Is it a good idea to try that?

    On a note regarding PRO-B. Is B-9 the newest one?
  6. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    No, PRO-B10 is the latest one. It's the one I'm currently using and so far, it's working awesomely.

    If you have any questions or need a tutorial on how to do it, just refer to this guide


    And I also used this video.


    Just for clarification, you need the PSP to be in the OFFICIAL FIRMWARE in order for these methods to work.
  7. SakuraMartinez

    SakuraMartinez Well-Known Member

    Oh, so this one needs a lot more work than how we previously updated from one CFW to another...
    I see...
  8. Joel16

    Joel16 Well-Known Member

    yea dualboot is not a good idea xD
    just cuzus a lot of crap
    Post Merge: [time]1321405608[/time]
    yes u need to be on ofiicial fw for it to work, if u just update 5.50 to some other cfw it can cause a brick
  9. SakuraMartinez

    SakuraMartinez Well-Known Member

    Okay, one last question before I go ahead and try upgrading my CFW:

    Should I make a mistake, it would be possible for me to unbrick my psp since it is a 2000 with a TA-088v2 motherboard, correct? Just in case...

    This is also the instructions I plan to use (taken from a different forum):

    1. Open VSH menu by clicking on the Select button from xmb(main psp menu)
    2. Change USB device to Flash0
    3. Connect your psp to pc
    4. Navigate to \vsh\etc\
    5. Open version.txt using notepad or wordpad
    6. In the first line change the 9.90 to 5.50 and save.
    7. Disconnect your psp from the pc and change the USB device back to Memory stick in vsh menu
    8. Download OFW 6.60 -[ u may search it thru google ]
    9. Extract the file
    11. From the xmb (main psp menu) run the update from Game – Memory Stick
    12. Now you are on OFW 6.60
    13. Download 6.60 PRO B10fix1 -[ u may search it thru google ]
    14. Extract the file
    15. Copy PROUPDATE and CIPL Flasher folders to PSP/GAME/
    16. From the xmb (main psp menu) run the PROUPDATE from Game - Memory stick.
    17. Press X to install CFW
    18. From the xmb (main psp menu) run the CIPL Flasher from Game - Memory stick.
    19. You have successfully installed 6.60 PRO B10
  10. Joel16

    Joel16 Well-Known Member

    Post Merge: [time]1321410755[/time]
    wait everthing u said was correct except you forgot about removing 5.50 cfw plz use the method that YOU posted about mine is useless
  11. SakuraMartinez

    SakuraMartinez Well-Known Member

    @Joel: How do I remove the cfw? I can't recall if it is through flashing (if I still needed to do that) or by simply upgrading to 6.60
  12. Fylgja

    Fylgja High level Neet

    updating the PSP's firmware will remove the cfw
  13. SakuraMartinez

    SakuraMartinez Well-Known Member

    Thanks. I'll start upgrading as soon as my battery reaches 80%.
    Going to update to PRO-B9 first then to B10.
  14. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    You don't really need to install PRO-B9 if you're going to install B10 afterwards. Just install B10 straight away.
  15. SakuraMartinez

    SakuraMartinez Well-Known Member

    lol, makes sense.
    I thought the b10 was going to take a while to download but it didn't so I'm going straight to that instead. Saves me a lot of time. XD

    EDIT: Finished updating it. Not as hard as I thought it would be. XD I worried over nothing it seems as it went well. Just a question, though. I checked my system info and the mac address has changed to [model 2g] is that normal?
  16. Joel16

    Joel16 Well-Known Member

    yes since mine is a go mine says model 05g its nothing really! it just hides you mac address and they r also working on pro C
  17. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    That basically states what model your PSP is. I have a PSP 3000 [4g]. You don't need to worry about it. Only models 5g and above will experience problems. and only because those models can't downgrade their firmware.
  18. Joel16

    Joel16 Well-Known Member

    UM sorry but lol where r u ?

    I can downgrade to other version * there is a new update on chronoswich downgrader that supports 6.60 and also model 05g
  19. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    Really? Huh, I must be late on the updates then...
  20. SakuraMartinez

    SakuraMartinez Well-Known Member

    Another question about this CFW (PRO-B10), does it have a built-in support for PSN or do I still need that plugin (forgot the name) to be able to download and use stuff from the PSN?