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updating, patch, r4i3ds

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by summerxxxx1, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. summerxxxx1

    summerxxxx1 Well-Known Member

    hi I have a r4i3ds card and yesterday my daughter updated her 3ds it says 4,5,0-10E, she currently has wood r4 kernel v1.55 but when she starts her 3ds it says "an error occurred please press and hold the power button and refer to 3ds operations manual"
    any ideas???
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Let me elaborate;

    There are 3 firmware/kernel at work in your case;
    1. the 3DS console's firmware, which at current you are on v.4.5.0-10U or v.4.5.0-10E (depending on
    which region your console is......E = Europe ; U = USA)
    2. the R4i SDHC 3DS flashcart's firmware
    3. WOOD R4 v.1.55

    Wood is a third party made firmware, or better known as secondary firmware. Using the latest WOOD on that v.4.5.0-10E will have no positive effect in solving the above mentioned problem. You need to update the flash cart's primary firmware. Firmware v.4.5.0-10E blocks the use of flash carts that hasn't already been updated/upgraded to overcome the blocking measures installed into the console along with that latest console's firmware.

    You need to check the R4i SDHC 3DS's official website to find out if there is any new update to overcome the v.4.5.0-10E console firmware. If there is an update for it, you need to borrow a 3DS/NDS/NDSL/NDSi that hasn't been upgraded to v.4.5.0-10E. In another word, you can't use your own console to update the flash cart. Only after you upgrade your flash cart using some other console, can you then use it again on your own console. If there isn't any update for your cart, then you can either choose to wait until it comes out (thus for the time being cannot play), or buy a new cart that has been installed with the latest firmware that can run on the v.4.5.0-10E.
  3. summerxxxx1

    summerxxxx1 Well-Known Member

    hiya prectorian the cart site is www.r4ids.cn I will have a look as im sure there is an update for it, and I have a spare ds lite, the updating part is a bit confusing but im sure there is videos on how to,
    or could you message me on how to also it says for revision c mines not a revision c card
    cheers marie .
    Post Merge: [time]1356733644[/time]
    just checked there is an update also new firmware which would be best to do?
  4. funguy

    funguy Well-Known Member

    Seeing as your cart is not a Revision C cart there is no update for you to use, the update is for Revision C carts only (and not all revision C's).

    You will either have to wait to see if they are able to release an update for your cart or purchase a DSTWO which does operate on the new 3DS firmware.
  5. summerxxxx1

    summerxxxx1 Well-Known Member

    :( cheers
    hopefully wont be too long
  6. Dannymizer

    Dannymizer Well-Known Member

    There is a new patch for this card but I don' t know if it is working for anyone yet

    Check r4ids.cn site for patch