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Updating my acekard 2i for v1.4.3

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by iwantndsroms, Jul 31, 2011.

  1. iwantndsroms

    iwantndsroms Well-Known Member

    Hi im not sure if anyone can help i have just bought a dsi xl with v1.4.3 firmware on it so i bought a acekard 2i for it that is compatible with this version and i am trying to update it but dont want to ruin the card,ok so i have the latest firmware for the cart which is akaio 1.8.7 and the latest ak2ifw update which is for dsi 1.4.3 and 3ds but when you download the update it says read the attached readme file to see how to update it but there is no attached file see this page http://www.acekard.com/download.php#ak2
    now i have put the two update files onto the root os the micro sd and put it in my dsi(not the xl i have) and when i tap on the update on the screen it says it may damage the acekard if i try and update it but it will most probably be ok ?!! so any help on the matter would be very much appreciated
  2. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    If your DSi battery drains or somebody presses the off switch before the updating is finished... yes only then you will be pretty shrewed.
  3. iwantndsroms

    iwantndsroms Well-Known Member

    ok thats good another question please is that when i have put the acekard 2i in the dsixl it says system file is missing ?do you know exactly what files i should have on the root of the sd card please ?
  4. pjmorie

    pjmorie Member

    You can't uptdate your Acekard 2i using a DSi that is already on Firmware 1.4.3, that is why you are getting the 'system file missing error'. You need to use a DSi (or DSiXL) that is not on 1.4.3 firmware or use a DS Lite/Phat.

    The update will not work with Acekard 2i's with a HW ID 44, but seeing as you bought your card recently it should be OK.