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update stopped my cart working

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by jamesbarron, Dec 20, 2009.

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  1. jamesbarron

    jamesbarron New Member

    hi ,i am new to all this so please bear with me.I recently connected and updated my sons dsi,since then the games from his game cartridge thing wont run ,it just comes up with error.any help would be much appreciated ,thanks in advance and MERRY CHRISTMAS.
  2. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    The DSi 1.4 update blocks all flashcarts.
    You need to update your flashcart, if an update is available, on a DSi without the 1.4 update or a DS Lite. Then it will work on the 1.4 DSi again.

    What flashcart do you have? TTDSi, Acekard2i, EZFlash Vi, R4i, etc?
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    So it says there is an error and to turn off the system right?

    I am assuming this is an r4 type your using...I don't think those can go past 1.4.

    What is the dsi's firmware currently (incase it's 1.5...which would affect everyone)
  4. jamesbarron

    jamesbarron New Member

    wow ,thanks people ,very quick resonses ,much appreciated .Right ,i know it's a TTdsi cart,as for the firmware really not sure ,how would i find this out .....????
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    For the dsi to check firmware..head to the system options menu (the spanner icon) and it would be in the top screen in one of the corners.

    The dstti...not sure, if it was pre-installed then even harder.
  6. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Good news it the TTDSi is easily upgradeable to the 1.4 fix.
    But you will need another DS to do the upgrade. Because in order to run the update you have to run the TTDSi.

    Download this:

    Put all three files on your TTDSi (just like you put a game on it).
    Run the TTi14UPGRADE.nds
    Follow the instructions, and you will be done. The TTDSi will work on 1.4 DSi again.
    You can delete the three files after you are done.

    Just incase, backup your games and save files before doing it.
  7. jamesbarron

    jamesbarron New Member

    you people are awesome ,thank you.he has a friend coming this afternoon with another ds so i shall try what you have told me ,again thanks very much ...I shall harass you again if i have trouble........
  8. jamesbarron

    jamesbarron New Member

    thanks very much you 2 for your help ,all done now thanks to you .Son is very happy again ...Much appreciated .Hope you have a grea xmas and new year... :)
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