I got a DSTT card for my DSLite, and I have been searching the web for good kernels, but I have no idea which are good for my card. At the moment I'm using an unofficial build DSTTi Firmware 1.17a12sp5 (English) from r4wood.com. Is that the best firmware out there for DSTT? I would like to have a site to the best and keep updated with it.
All you need is the latest .dat files from the TTMenu folder and replace them into your TTMenu folder extinfo.dat , infolib.dat , savelib.dat , usrcheat.dat Is all that's needed for updates http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=43121.msg818800#msg818800 Get the lateat usercheat.dat from hear for cheats, are anyovers http://cheats.gbatemp.net/
Hi can anyone tell me more about DSTT? I bought my DS Lite at the start of 2009 and it came with a DSTT but I realise that it does not play a lot of games, such as Super Scribblenauts. Is DSTT still an applicable card or should I go buy an acekard 2i?
So basically DSTT is fried unless Pong and Retro updates the card firmware right? I used the recently released 6.321 by Jhod521 and it can't play some games as well.