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University Research Assignment (Please Read)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Evokoo, May 17, 2011.

  1. Evokoo

    Evokoo Member

    Hey everyone,
    I'm a third year communication design student a Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia and am doing a project on educational games and proposing the introduction of an educational game rating system for mainstream video games, if you could answer these questions it would be a big help.


    When playing video games do you feel you learn new skills or information?

    If you were aware of the potential learning value of mainstream video games would you still play them?

    Does the thought of learning from a video game discourage you from playing them?

    If there was a universal rating system based on the educational values of video games would you take note of it or simply ignore it?

    Finally if an educational rating system was implemented would it affect the way you buy video games?

    Thank you for your time and hope to get some responses.
  2. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    I would be happy to help you with your research Evokoo, but first, help me clarify a few issues regarding your questions.

    When you say "educational games" do you mean games in which the main purpose and use is specifically and purposefully educational?
    By that I mean, games such as Sesame Street games or games (or to be more precise programs for the DS) which help you develop skills like learning a new language.
  3. Evokoo

    Evokoo Member

    No, I mean general games in which action, adventure etc. is the main objective but due to their content or context you learn new knowledge or skills. For example by playing a World War II based game you 'can' learn about politics, locations and history of the time. It's not so much about you will learn from these games but they have the ability to teach.
  4. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    age - 21

    a game that has taught me some things is Metal gear solid 1-3 (havent played 4 that much) and it gives some dates of reality like the nukes on hiroshima and nagasaki. well, they give some real events that have happened in important wars like WWII, cold war, and others.
    so you can say i learned a bit of history from these games. of course one needs to know what is real and what is fiction.

    i would still play games if they had potential learning values, heck, i think it would be better that way, of course, not making educational only games, but like giving facts and stuff like that, it would be good

    i would ignore the rating, i already do it with esrb, and it wouldnt affect my decision in buying games since i would ignore it
  5. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks


    No, very rarely I'll actually learn anything directly from video games.





    Very rarely I'll learn anything directly from a video game, some games have some real life references, like MGS3/4 but aren't directly educational; Xenosaga is full of religious references; Sephiroth/Sephirot; Call Of Duty 1/2 having depictions of war battles; Total War having historical battles; The thing with these games is that they don't directly teach the player but they enable the player to look at these references because they turn out to be interesting to the player when they're mixed in with something they enjoy.

    [me=Natewlie]misses the days where educational games were fun. Math blasters. [/me]
  6. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    Ok then. Just checking. Since it seems like you're making an evidence based argumentative paper, you need to address what type of games you are looking for educational value in.

    Anyways, since it's getting late over at my end I'll just answer your questions as best as I can with the fewest words possible.
    If you want more details, just PM me tomorrow.

    - I'm 19 yrs old.

    - It depends on what kind of game I played. If it was a big RPG game, then the things I might have learned would lean towards morality, consequences of our actions, etc. If it were games like Professor Layton or the Ace Attorney series, then I might have learned some real-world facts and some bits of trivia.

    - While not exactly a requirement for me, I do look for games with a solid plot and a decent storyline. And those games usually have one or two lessons mashed in them. Games like LA Noir, which (allegedly) has a rich storyline and a very compelling plot, would definitely be on the top of my list. (as for the lessons, maybe how NOT to get caught doing crime? ;D )

    - I love learning new things. If you showed me a game and told me "I learned a lot from this, you should try it" then I would not hesitate to play it.

    - I'd probably take note of it, but I won't let it be the yardstick in which I determine if a game is "good" or "bad", and ultimately, whether or not I would play it. Case and point, the new Mortal Kombat game. Zero educational value, Still a pretty badass game.

    - Like I said, the educational value is not so much as a hindrance for me as it is a bonus. All I need to know is if it is a good game or not. Any educational value I might derive from it is just the icing on the cake.
  7. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member


    When playing video games do you feel you learn new skills or information?
    Yes, I believe video games actually helped me learn to drive a few years ago, but nothing really vital.

    If you were aware of the potential learning value of mainstream video games would you still play them?

    Does the thought of learning from a video game discourage you from playing them?

    If there was a universal rating system based on the educational values of video games would you take note of it or simply ignore it?
    It depends on the content of the game, not the educational value to me, so I guess I would take note of it.

    Finally if an educational rating system was implemented would it affect the way you buy video games?
  8. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member


    When playing video games do you feel you learn new skills or information?
    Not really.

    If you were aware of the potential learning value of mainstream video games would you still play them?

    Does the thought of learning from a video game discourage you from playing them?

    If there was a universal rating system based on the educational values of video games would you take note of it or simply ignore it?
    I would notice it, but it wouldn't affect my habits at all.

    Finally if an educational rating system was implemented would it affect the way you buy video games?
  9. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Your from Australia, right? Video Game ratings should be something that is talked about.


    When playing video games do you feel you learn new skills or information?
    Yes, all the time.

    If you were aware of the potential learning value of mainstream video games would you still play them?
    Yes, it wouldn't make a difference to me.

    Does the thought of learning from a video game discourage you from playing them?

    If there was a universal rating system based on the educational values of video games would you take note of it or simply ignore it?
    Ignore it.

    Finally if an educational rating system was implemented would it affect the way you buy video games?
  10. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    An australian talking about education in video games? Wow, the ban on MK must have really hit you guys hard.

    I would participate if I were older though.
  11. Evokoo

    Evokoo Member

    The research is just for a general overview of how people perceive education in gaming, it's not for a paper, it's to help create advertising and communications for my Design strategy class, thanks for everyone who has helped out so far keep the replies coming.
  12. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    Age? 13.

    When playing video games do you feel you learn new skills or information? I learn new words, skills and trivia from almost every game I play. Mostly new words. I think 30-40% of my vocabulary came from playing games.

    If you were aware of the potential learning value of mainstream video games would you still play them? Sure, I'm not scared of learning.

    Does the thought of learning from a video game discourage you from playing them?
    No, it's 2 birds with one stone.
    If there was a universal rating system based on the educational values of video games would you take note of it or simply ignore it?
    Nope, most likely it wouldn't affect me at all.
    Finally if an educational rating system was implemented would it affect the way you buy video games?
  13. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member


    When playing video games do you feel you learn new skills or information?
    Yes, all the time. Most recently I was playing Civilisation 4 and learnt that Bismark had similar qualities and achieved similar things to Hitler, though on a less grand scale. Generally I learn a little from each game I play unless it's a complete fantasy world.

    If you were aware of the potential learning value of mainstream video games would you still play them?

    Does the thought of learning from a video game discourage you from playing them?
    Not even a little.

    If there was a universal rating system based on the educational values of video games would you take note of it or simply ignore it?
    It would have to be reasonably detailed before I paid attention to it. A small icon saying something like "History 5-8 years old" would be meaningless to me, especially if it were universal. If I looked up a game review/website and there was a synopsis of information about what could be learnt from the game it might effect my decision to buy it.

    Finally if an educational rating system was implemented would it affect the way you buy video games?
    Depends, see above response for more info.
  14. wiimann

    wiimann Active Member

    Age? 16

    When playing video games do you feel you learn new skills or information? It depends on the game.

    If you were aware of the potential learning value of mainstream video games would you still play them? Yes I would.

    Does the thought of learning from a video game discourage you from playing them? No, not really.

    If there was a universal rating system based on the educational values of video games would you take note of it or simply ignore it? Probably ignore it.

    Finally if an educational rating system was implemented would it affect the way you buy video games? No.
  15. Renesha

    Renesha Guest


    When playing video games do you feel you learn new skills or information?
    Depends on the game, really. o.o I like games with nifty bits of information in or ones that give you stuff to think about.

    If you were aware of the potential learning value of mainstream video games would you still play them?
    Yeah, why not?

    Does the thought of learning from a video game discourage you from playing them?
    No, not at all...

    If there was a universal rating system based on the educational values of video games would you take note of it or simply ignore it?
    Ignore it, of course. I don't object to learning but I'm not going to seek for it in vidya.

    Finally if an educational rating system was implemented would it affect the way you buy video games?
    Noope, same answer as above.
  16. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member


    When playing video games do you feel you learn new skills or information?
    Many games will give you information, the relevance of that information, however, is another story.

    If you were aware of the potential learning value of mainstream video games would you still play them?
    Yes. Depending on what was on offer.

    Does the thought of learning from a video game discourage you from playing them?
    No. Again, depending on what was being taught I may find it more or less interesting.

    If there was a universal rating system based on the educational values of video games would you take note of it or simply ignore it?
    I wouldn't care.

    Finally if an educational rating system was implemented would it affect the way you buy video games?
    No it would not.
  17. slapmeorelse

    slapmeorelse Well-Known Member


    When playing video games do you feel you learn new skills or information?
    Yes, because I usually learn new skills, strategies to form, and even a fact about life sometime

    If you were aware of the potential learning value of mainstream video games would you still play them?
    Of course, as long as they're good

    Does the thought of learning from a video game discourage you from playing them?
    Reader Rabbit - Yes. Final Fantasy - No

    If there was a universal rating system based on the educational values of video games would you take note of it or simply ignore it?
    Ignore if it's good

    Finally if an educational rating system was implemented would it affect the way you buy video games?
    Somewhat. I'll feel really weird if I bought a game with lots of blood, gore, and sexual content in front of kids looking for some typing game or what for the computer
  18. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    education game already exist...goto local toy shop like Toy R'Us. But its mostly for preschooler.

    but an education games for older gamer is abit tricky since not all subject is "suitable".. you know like maths... not matter how you put it, it will never be interesting... however some subject will be more interesting like history...

    and to answer your question

    Q1. Age?
    A1. 27

    Q2. When playing video games do you feel you learn new skills or information?
    A2. depend on the game, in learn about mitochondrial in Parasite Eve (before i actually learn it in class) and my english improve greatly because of playing games

    Q3. If you were aware of the potential learning value of mainstream video games would you still play them?
    A3. again depend on the game and subject, even it have huge educational value, but if its too boring or its not my favorite subject, i most likely wont touch it. But if your game is good enough, i may try it.

    Q4. Does the thought of learning from a video game discourage you from playing them?
    A4. see A3.

    Q5. If there was a universal rating system based on the educational values of video games would you take note of it or simply ignore it?
    A5. i dont really care about rating value, i play game from E to M. as long as the game is fun, i'll play it.

    Q6. Finally if an educational rating system was implemented would it affect the way you buy video games?
    A6. by educational rating system, do you mean A+, B- ... ect grading system? most game already have their own grading system like Devil May Cry, you get rank from D to SSS. so no, it wont affect the way i buy the game.
  19. Zydaline

    Zydaline Well-Known Member


    When playing video games do you feel you learn new skills or information?
    Not really. Few skills I could learn would benefit me in real life, and few information there are is 100% accurate.

    If you were aware of the potential learning value of mainstream video games would you still play them?
    Why not?

    Does the thought of learning from a video game discourage you from playing them?
    If it's fun.

    If there was a universal rating system based on the educational values of video games would you take note of it or simply ignore it?

    Finally if an educational rating system was implemented would it affect the way you buy video games?