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Unions and the New World Order

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by T-A.L.O.S., Mar 15, 2010.

  1. T-A.L.O.S.

    T-A.L.O.S. Well-Known Member

    What do you think?
    As I write this politicians from Canada, Mexico and the U.S. plan to integrate these three countries into one nation called the North American Union. The laws in each of these countries will be harmonized(secretly) which will then become sovereign over the laws of each nation. You know what that means? Bye-bye Constitution and Bill of Rights. People should become aware of the treason their governments are commiting toward their citizens! For those who do not live in North America don't think your out of the woods. This plan of uniting multiple countries as one is soon going to spread around the globe. After all of the Unions(African Union, Europe Union, South America Union, etc...) have been created they will be integrated into ONE world government headed by an oppressive dictatorship which will regulate everything from food production to birth rates!
    The first step to creating a world government is the disarmament of civilians via strict gun control laws. This will virtually destroy all means of civilian resistance which will make it easier for tyrants to accomplish their purposes. Everyone has the right to keep and employ weapons as self-defense. Don't let yourself be disarmed by your government!

    We have to alert the masses of what is about to unfold. If left unhindered, this New World Order could be established by 2013.

    When only cops have guns, it's called a "Police State". -Claire Wolfe

    "To disarm the people...was the best and most effectual way to enslave them". -George Mason
  2. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    never gonna happen. at least not in my lifetime
  3. trimbletown

    trimbletown Well-Known Member

    My guess: you don't know what your talking about and are trying to either A) Sound smart or B) Be a fear monger.
  4. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    haha just read it again for a laugh.
    april fools day isnt for another few weeks :p
    i suppose you also believe they faked the moon landings? and elvis is living on the moon?
    come on, why would usa wanna share their economy with any other nation.
    and as for europe, you aint got a clue. britain hasnt even started using the euro yet.
    i would like a link please to your source of information
  5. DECADE5

    DECADE5 Well-Known Member

    LOL at OP- new world order? NAAAAAAAHHHH. When(if) US tries some sh*t like that and come marching on Europe- guess what? Russia will bomb their heads to the Moon to greet Elvis and do a proper Moon landing. And 2013? Geez if we live that long, but NOT gonna happen, no, na-ah.
    Like msghomemaintenance said- april fools day is a couple weeks later, so go home.
  6. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    I honestly don't think that will happen.
  7. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

  8. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    oh it MUST be true then. im not even gonna attempt to list the reasons why this wont happen and wouldnt work if it did, anyone with any common sense or slight knowledge of politics can work this one out
  9. DECADE5

    DECADE5 Well-Known Member

    A book? Holy son of a mother duck! Then Harry Potter is real too- means Voldemort will kill us all! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!
    And there is the Philosofers stone hidden in the clues in "Da Vinci Code" ???

    .................silence of stupidity and confusion.........................

    Boy, not everything you hear,see and read (what a twist,eh?) is true.
  10. T-A.L.O.S.

    T-A.L.O.S. Well-Known Member

    Is that the new thing called sarcasm? i swear i have never run across that before.

    anyway, there is alot about our world that we don't know. i don't care whether the moon landings were real or not or were Elvis lives. What i am trying to say is that just because there are no wars or famines going on does not mean that freedom isnt in jeopardy. Remember how hitler took over Germany? He did it the legal way using politics and the people voted him in.
    And who thinks the U.S. is trying to take over the world? Traitors are within all of our own governments
    working to spread chaos and weaken the people's power. They will be people you would never suspect.
  11. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    If the USA joined a union, the people's rights would probably increase. The US government has been slowly eroding the people's rights for a long time now. The most recent example I can think of being the Patriot Act.
  12. T-A.L.O.S.

    T-A.L.O.S. Well-Known Member

    A person's rights would not be increased only the amount of laws that are enacted. If all three countries integrated, the rights of all citizens would become muddled and obscure to the point where the people are unaware of what they can stand up against.
    The creation of more laws creates the illusion of having more rights. Who do you think would preside over the NAU? Certainly not the people.
  13. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    USA are never gonna share their economy with mexico, plain and simple
  14. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    How can you know? If the countries were to amalgamate I doubt the Canadian or Mexican people would be willing to accept anything which undermined their previous rights.

    [quote author=T-A.L.O.S.]If all three countries integrated, the rights of all citizens would become muddled and obscure to the point where the people are unaware of what they can stand up against.[/quote]

    All citizens should be the same so essentially it would be exactly the same as the US is now. There are state laws and federal laws. Similar to the way the EU works, there are EU laws and the local countries laws.

    [quote author=T-A.L.O.S.]The creation of more laws creates the illusion of having more rights. Who do you think would preside over the NAU? Certainly not the people.

    Who do you think presides over the US? Certainly not the people! :p Seriously though; the citizens of the US have had so many rights taken away that it would be hard to restrict them any more. Anyway, taking the EU as an example, the freedoms of the people have increased since it was formed (relaxed customs, less restrictive health insurance, car licences work everywhere, etc.). They still have a ways to go, but I can't see how you could claim that citizen's rights have been reduced in any way.
  15. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Gaynor, as well-meaning as you are, don't feed the troll. God, it's not even that good yet people are falling for it left right and center. You all suck. =[
  16. MR4Y

    MR4Y Well-Known Member

    Will never happen, unless you want everyone to be brazillians, XD
  17. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    National laws are overridden by EU laws. Member states are no longer permitted to enact their own laws, and the EU can amend or repeal national laws as and when it wants to.

    SOME freedoms have increased. Freedom to move, freedom to work in a country other than your own, freedom to sponge off another country's benefits system because its a lot more generous than your own, freedom to get free healthcare at the expense of another country's citizens.

    Other freedoms have been restricted or removed, such as the right of free speech. You only have that right when you agree with the EU. If you question them you're automatically a xenophobe.

    Human rights and positive discrimination is out of control. Criminals have more rights than victims, Job adverts are not allowed to ask for 'reliable' applicants because it discriminates against the unreliable, and crime rates are through the roof because the criminal justice system is not allowed to punish criminals as it violates their human rights. Illegal immigrants cannot be deported because it breeches their human rights, never mind the fact they broke the law to enter the country in the first place.

    The EU costs member states tens of millions (GBP) per day in membership fees, and the accounts have not been signed off in 14 years because so much money is 'disappearing', that the accountants refuse to sign them.

    Interestingly, the Irish got a referendum on joining the EU, and they voted 'NO'. The result? they were told to have another vote and keep voting until they got the 'right' answer. The Czech president signed the treaty under threat of impeachment from the EU.
    The British were not given a choice, both labour and the tories promised a referendum that never materialised.

    So much for a democratic institution.

    At Copenhagen during the climate change summit, the EU were pressing India to sign up to the proposed measures, claiming that 'Europe and India are the world's fastest growing democracies', and as such should lead the way forward. The Indian delegate's response was: 'Europe is not a democracy.'
  18. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Same as Fedral laws overwrite State laws.

    possibly true, I've never known of anyone who publicly spoke out against the EU...wait a minute!

    Agreed, but that's a problem prevalent in all modern democracies.

    To be honest, this applies to all modern democracies as well, though GB has made some positive changes to reverse this problem recently.

    I voted on that referendum. The first time I said 'No' for two reasons:
    a) The wording in the treaty was unclear so I wasn't sure what I was voting for.
    b) The treaty demanded that all member states contribute armed forces to any war that any other member state was involved in, thus infringing on the Irish neutrality.
    I voted 'Yes' the second time because they addressed these problems; the treaty was put in clearer language and member states were only required to commit armed forces in the instance of another member state being invaded. Which is fair enough.

    Probably true, but not many countries or unions can truly claim to be democratic, especially as they start getting bogged down in ridiculous bureaucracy. But as giant federal democracies go; the EU is pretty open to change and has a good level of freedom. Hopefully it'll cop on to itself in the coming years and start acting more like a democracy and pander less to the 'big members' needs (France, Germany, etc.).

    The EU may not be perfect, but it's not the worst example of a modern democracy either.
  19. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    This man speaks the truth, they were behind 9/11, JFK, this is all a vast conspiracy. THE NEW WORLD ORDER IS REAL

  20. T-A.L.O.S.

    T-A.L.O.S. Well-Known Member

    I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or actually agreeing with me, Littlekill.

    Here is a bit of info. The NAU will have it's own set of laws that will be sovereign over the laws of each member country.
    As for the 'increased' freedoms in the EU, those were only a front to distract the populace from what was really happening. I don't think trading your right to voice your opinions was worth less restrictive laws. The right to free speech may not seem important now but it will be in the not-so-distant future.

    Thanks for backing me up somewhat, Loonylion.