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Underwater Abstract

Discussion in 'Portfolios' started by ch2435, May 22, 2009.

  1. ch2435

    ch2435 Well-Known Member

    Underwater Abstract ;­D

    Mmmmmm Pink

    Cloud V2

    Cloud V1

    Cars V2


    Some Random Render

    Teal Abstract

    Full size

    Green Abstract

    Cloud Simplicity


    Old stuff.

    Update after so long..


    Bumpity date Again.

    Post up.




    Which is best
    With Border And Text
    With Border No Text
    With Text No Border
    Without text or border

    Slightly good.
    Preaty kewl..

    Joint with Fighter Pilot

    Worth the wait. Eye

    Stykz Mercenary

    Done when i was bored :­D

    6 New pieces of art from yours truely, Chris.

    Great inspirations from Fighter Pilot and Soiux to make this kind of art.


    Yeah so leave coments bishes ;­D
  2. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    Re: I've been arting for a long time ;D

    You good.
  3. ch2435

    ch2435 Well-Known Member

    Re: I've been arting for a long time ;D

    [color=008000]I've been doing artistic stuff for almost 2 years..[/color]
  4. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    Re: I've been arting for a long time ;D

    You have a few good pieces, but most of your work is very plain.
  5. jevejo777

    jevejo777 Well-Known Member

    Re: I've been arting for a long time ;D

    You've got some really nice pictures, wich program do you use?

    P.S.: maybe you should open a portofolio if you're going to upload more.
  6. ch2435

    ch2435 Well-Known Member

    Re: I've been arting for a long time ;D

    Well I posted this not knowing about portfolios so I reported teh first post i could to a mod asking it to be moved but yeah W/E.

    And yes I know my work is bland, I wiped my HDD and lost all my C4D and brushes D:
  7. jevejo777

    jevejo777 Well-Known Member

    Re: I've been arting for a long time ;D

    it's sad you lost al your c4d and renders.
    did you got them from devianart or other websites or had you made some yourself?
  8. ch2435

    ch2435 Well-Known Member

    Re: I've been arting for a long time ;D

    Just collections of good brushes i found and now I'm back to crappy ones.. I also had some damn good C4D.
  9. jevejo777

    jevejo777 Well-Known Member

    Re: I've been arting for a long time ;D

    do you use gimp?
    if you do i will make a zip or rar of the brushes i collected from devianart.
  10. ch2435

    ch2435 Well-Known Member

    Re: I've been arting for a long time ;D

    Nah I used to but not anymore. Now I use CS4.
  11. Nox

    Nox Well-Known Member

    Re: I've been arting for a long time ;D

    In two years you have not moved on from brushes to filters?
    What's the hold up?
  12. ch2435

    ch2435 Well-Known Member

    Re: I've been arting for a long time ;D

    I use filters quite a lot but I prefer brushes and C4D.
  13. ch2435

    ch2435 Well-Known Member

    Re: I've been arting for a long time ;D

    I be updaten fooz.
  14. head635

    head635 Well-Known Member

    Re: I've been arting for a long time ;D

    Did you do that using this tutoral ?

  15. ch2435

    ch2435 Well-Known Member

    Re: I've been arting for a long time ;D

  16. ch2435

    ch2435 Well-Known Member

    Re: Update and stuff.

    Update and stuff.
  17. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    Re: Update and stuff.

    Plain, far too much empty space, unattractive, the planet destroys what little flow there is, render looks out of place, no text, no border. I suggest starting again.
  18. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Re: Update and stuff.

    I'd have to agree. I have no idea about those Cloud ones.
  19. ch2435

    ch2435 Well-Known Member

    Re: Update and stuff.

    Yeah I just threw it together in 5-10 mins. Wasn't really trying.
  20. ch2435

    ch2435 Well-Known Member

    Re: PINK!

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