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Underrated games (Snes)

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by asiandumbass, Jul 18, 2009.

  1. asiandumbass

    asiandumbass Active Member

    There are alot of great games out there that are always talked about. For good reason of course, they rock, games like FF7, chrono trigger, Super Mario, Ect...

    But what about the games those games that get overshadow by them?
    I am here to introduce some games I believe are underrated and I think you should give them a try if you never heard of them or haven't played them before, I will try to keep the spoilers out.


    Cybonator - This is a mech side scrolling shoot them up. You have several different weapons throughout the game and each weapon can be upgraded. The controls are good and each level is different and interesting to play through.

    Demon's Crest - Another action side scroller. This time you are not a hero, you are a demon out for revenge. You can change into other forms of yourself to use different abilities and attacks. This game has the world map open to you to choose what level to tackle on. It is very fun and very challenge.

    E.V.O. Search for Eden - Before there was spores, there was this game. You evolve throughout the game into different creatures. You start as how life on earth started, as fish. Then you get on land, and you continue your journey to get to Eden. This game is a sidescroller adventure and a pretty darn good one. You evolve each of your body part personally to suit your needs. The fights are also interesting and challenging as you evolve yourself just to survive the adventure and get it on with Eden herself.

    EarthBound (mother 2) - Alot of people use ness in Super Smash Brothers, but they never play the game he is from. I wonder why? This game is a great rpg. The fighting style is like dragon warriors, the story is great, the graphics is childish on purpose, and each character is unique. This is one of the great classic rpgs, but only hardcore snes fans played it.

    Metal Warriors - This is basically cybonator's newer brother. It is the same mech side scrolling shooter, but completely upgraded. You get more different types of mechs to control. You can leave your own mech to go rambo with your pistol, or jack another empty mech. You can upgrade your gun, and get helmet packs which do different effects (reverse polar gravity, rockets, garnades). Each level is different. The Graphics look great. There is even two players. The levels are all fun and unique, except at the end it gets hectically hard.

    Nosferatu - Side scrolling action adventure game. It is basically a a dracula theme prince of persia game. I am talking about the original prince of persia, not the newer ps2 ones. This game though is less about puzzle solving like prince of persia, and more about action. It is quite hard and takes a lot of patience to get through the game. But in the end, you feel so good after sucker punching that werewolf that got in your way :D.

    These are some of the few great underrated games i have played. If you have more post them. The more the better.

    They maybe from the old generation, but these games are still great. They are greater than like over 80% of Wii games out there.
  2. Sarah Kreuz

    Sarah Kreuz Well-Known Member

    Nice. I really would like to know what other can recommend. I`m spending a lot of time with my Snes Emu. So?
  3. kamuikurou

    kamuikurou Well-Known Member

    Yes. Earthbound... The game was so overshadowed by Dragon Quests and Chrono Trigger >_<. At that time, earthbound is like one of a kind but people don't find it very interesting, partially because it lacks good advertising and its quirkiness don't really match with the gaming trend.
  4. olliebot

    olliebot Well-Known Member

    Super Mario RPG legend of the seven stars. GREAT game.
  5. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Terranigma by Enix it never made it to the US and if it wasn't for emulation US players may have never gotten a chance to play it. Its an action/RPG simular to Soulblazer and Illusion of Gaia for SNES, actually I think it was claimed as the 3rd part of that series, but I couldn't find any info to confirm it.
  6. eildus

    eildus Active Member

    Dual Orb 2.

    Everyone is all "oh it's just another stupd RPG". But man, I really liked it. Decent challenge, awesome music, rad graphics, and not too bad of a story. I kinda like the characters too and oh my god, the designs are just so great! Awesome awesome game.

    I wouldn't say this. I keep hearing so much praises and everyone being all "BEST GAME EVER" It's pretty hard to believe that people would think it's underrated.

    Might be where you live, but seriously, idk.
  7. Shiokazu

    Shiokazu Well-Known Member

    but still a awesome game!
  8. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    I for one couldn't get into Super Mario RPG. It might have been because at the time I was playing Final Fantasy II and III (US) I tired playing I know dozens of times and I just could not get into it, but I play the Paper Mario series and Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga and Partners in Time. Maybe I am just one of the lower percentile that just didn't like it. :-\
  9. asiandumbass

    asiandumbass Active Member

    I will post a list of snes games soon on the forum.
  10. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    Illusion of Gaia
    Super Mario RPG
    Lufia II (Lufia I was a good game too...)
  11. lampslammer

    lampslammer Well-Known Member

    SECRET OF EVERMORE is probably the most underrated snes game. it uses the genius secret of mana fighting system. and finding or buying ingredients for magic is cool. the music is 10/10. its a great all around game.
    LAGOON- great game (f**kin hard)
    THE 7TH SAGA- great game (f**kin harder)

    and ya earthbound is great. ive beat that at least 5 times, and will again. its on the easier side, but great regardless.
  12. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    Aside from the games the TS mentioned, WWF Royal Rumble was also a very underrated game. I had tons of fun playing that game.

    And Lex Luger's funny trying to flex his roided muscles.
  13. GoldenTalesGeek

    GoldenTalesGeek Well-Known Member

    Secret of Evermore. It was kinda like an American-made answer to Secret of Mana, but it's still pretty interesting. I also concur with everyone who's saying EarthBound. That is one of the few J-RPGs that still makes me laugh out loud to this day!
  14. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Aerobiz Supersonic?
  15. 1337noob

    1337noob Member

    I can't recommend Earthbound enough. It's such a great game.
  16. Qizm

    Qizm Active Member

    Parodius, for the Gradius fans here. I had lots of fun with that game when I was a kid. Unknown, quirky space shooter.
  17. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah, Darius Twin is also a very nice game.

    And if we're talking about underrated games, you can't forget about TMNT: Tournament Fighters. That game is just pure awesomeness!!!
  18. asiandumbass

    asiandumbass Active Member

    I love the tmnt: tournament fighter game, except I could not forgive them for giving ralph such a lame super attack, jump up and shoot fire balls. Great except they can be dodged so easily and the damage isnt worth it. I mean ralph is the one that likes fighting, he should get some kick ass ultimate move. I mean com'on that nerd turtle Donny got a freaken dragon - THATS SOOOO COOL. Where is my ralph's super kool move...
  19. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure if this game is really under-rated, but Super Metroid was pretty cool... a lot of my friends didn't know what it was, all they had heard of was the newer metroid games
  20. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    Super Metroid is definitely not underrated. I mean it still ranks high amongst the best games ever made.