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Unable to boot The legend of zelda skyword sword/PSP misc questions

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Duncan Idaho, Nov 21, 2011.

  1. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    I am trying to boot this game from DVD i downloaded it from wiisos.com and it says i need the rev of the ICOS 249 and 250, which come with the package, i have isntalled the revs on both CIOS and wont run, at all, i have also tested it via uloader and it wont boot either.

    What happens is that when i chose launch game on DVD (neogamma ) or load game i get a green screen and it fowards me to the main menu, happens with both loaderws, i cant run gecko since the idiots who replaced the lens of my wii also removed the chip seeing it was a wii 4.3u they said "no kiddo wii 4.3 wont accepts chips, you are an idiot!" (a case of did not do the research since if they bothered to google the first page points that physical chips soldered or not, will work on 4.3) so gecko is out of my reach ;(.

    Suggestions?, ideas?

    and if you dont care here are a couple of misc questions if any one can answer them:

    i have made an eboot of my valkyrie profile PSX game, i can start it, but it wont go past of when the girl says "nostalgic" i get a black screen, i have tested multiple POPS firmwares but is only after 3.xx that runs it , i havent ran trough PSAR dumper 4.10 yet. but i am on the process of doing so.

    The other question is that there was a list that stated which POPS firmware worked with what game, the site has been taken down and erased, so does any one has copy of said list?
  2. CSL00

    CSL00 Well-Known Member

    Download and run "pimp my wii" it should install everything you need to run the game regardless of method (disc, USB or SD).
  3. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    AH! I remember how to get Skyward Sword working. You have to use the alternative.dol setting the first few times to get the stupid Wii Motion Plus tutorial out of the way. You may have to do this a few times until you get through the entire tutorial (Mine was 3). Then revert it back to the main.dol, (translation: Normal) and it should boot just fine.
  4. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    i got SS working only to find that the wii motion plus calibration is pathetic compared to RS2, so i am half dissapointed (realy Rs2 will tear you a new one before letting you play the game if the WM+ is not calibrated correctly) i had to use the neogamma IOS switcher, along with the settings of neogamma, dammit i miss my physical soldered chip.