Okay another new game... BY ME! Okay... Here are the rules. 1. The first poster lists a person/place/or thing and the next poster after that should post something that PWNS the first poster, pictures are very enjoyed. 2. If the next poster thinks that PWN is illegal (absolutely no PWNage involved) he shall post "PWN FAILURE!" and all posters afterward should post a fail picture from then on, until someone posts a bad FAIL. 3. If any fail is illegal, like if the fail is not better than the previous fail, or it flat out sucks, than the next poster after the bad fail shall post "FAIL FAILURE!" and post a PWNING candidate, which cannot be FAIL switched until the next poster. EXAMPLES: P1: Mickey Mouse P2: Donald Duck PWNS P3: PWN FAILURE (Fail picture) P4: (Fail picture) P1: FAIL FAILURE>>Goofy And it goes on. I will start. Roxas.
PWN FAILURE! FATPUNCHES are not pwntastic enough for grey fox. http://failblog.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/epic-fail-amish-dating-fail.jpg NOW THATS FAIL! BEAT DAT!