I noticed that the American version of Ridge Racer for NDS is ROM number 00017, but there is apparently no UK / European game to be found on the list anywhere. Is there a legitimate reason? Or has it simply just been over-looked by accident?
GBATemp doesn't list any other Ridge Racer games, so either it was never released outside of the US, it was released under a different name or the US version was used for other regions as well.
rige racer ds? I always find it here-don't go by numbers-some sites have slight variations I once heard-not that I go to other sites for ds games.
I can assure you that it was indeed released in the UK, and isn't called anything different here than it is in the US: http://www.play.com/Games/DS/4-/587380/Ridge-Racer-DS/Product.html?ptsl=1&ob=Price&fb=0 http://www.game.co.uk/DS/Racing/~r326151/Ridge-Racer-DS/?s=ridge%20racer%20ds