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Two HG pokemon questions

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by ASuch, Apr 2, 2010.

  1. ASuch

    ASuch Well-Known Member

    1: The moves I will have for my Snorlax is Crunch, Brick Break, and Rock Slide, but I don't know if I should take out crunch and put in shadow ball, or what my 4th move would be.

    2: Where is a good exp spot besides Elite 4 and Gym Leader rematches?
  2. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    1.... I would keep crunch since his Sp Attack sucks.... As for the 4th move what about Rest?? Give him the Chesto Berry and you dont have to worry about him sleeping....

    2. How far are you?? Mt silver I think has the highest level of wild pokemon in the game....
  3. ASuch

    ASuch Well-Known Member

    I just beat Blaine, and Blue is my last Gym Leader.
  4. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Scroll down to Offensive Lax
    Body Slam
    Fire Punch (Self-destruct is only fun competitively unless you want to pack a crapload of Revives. It also hits steels that are immune to EQ)

    What are you actually going to use him for? Competitive or just to stomp the crap out of the CPU?
  5. ASuch

    ASuch Well-Known Member

    Destroy the crap out of the CPUs. I don't battle online
  6. albert_atadero

    albert_atadero New Member

    Counter is good cause he has a lot of hP..