...I expect the future posts in this topic to be brain numbing and to lower my IQ. There's not much to debate about, it's all a matter of opinion. I find the movie (I haven't read the books) alright. It's entertaining, has a neat idea backing it that hasn't really been explored before. Most people's hate stems from that it's geared towards girls (CHICKFLICK) and it's fanbase is so rampant. To say that this movie/books made vampires and werewolves more fruity, well you can't really be more wrong, it made them more realistic emotionally. Because all vampires live in castles and show little to no emotion. Also I consider in each movie, they have their own monster. Even if two movies have vampires or a werewolf or zombies or whatever, they mostly have their own twist to them.
I hated it. A lot. But I heard that the next one will be better, also heard that the books are a lot better then then the movies.
I collect them And The series really nice, I read the second one until cry.. The novels are for girls , i think..
Oh, I mean mostly girls read the books but I didn't mean No Boys allowed, I can't wait for the second movie! 21th November yay
I can't say I hate it, because I haven't read it. It has made alot of young teenage girls (and boys!) read when they really normally wouldn't. But I don't like the hype it gets and how almost every girl in my school is considering changing they're last name to "cullin"
I read the books in the right order and for a guy I thought they were very good as they are very descriptive... It paints a very good mental image and I like that in a book.
The only reason you(if a boy) would want to watch it is if you had a girlfriend and was either to impress your girlfriend or if you were forced to watch it. Girls love it for some reason? Post Merge: [time]1252749484[/time] the books on the other hand are not that bad. That's only if you have nothing else to do.
I couldn't get two chapters into the first book. Meyers writing is just painful to look at, she is complete hack. The movie was no better, walked out like forty minutes in. If you want to read a REALLY good vampire novel go for Poppy Z. Brites Lost Souls. It's the only one of that genre I genuinely love.
Penis is no bad word, everyone knows boys have penises. Also girls have vaginas. I'll say whatever genitalia I want. To say that no guys read Twilight is ridiculous. Twilight isn't even really THAT bad, I can list a lot of things that are worse. The fanbase is a big meh, but the book or movie isn't the worst. Also, penisvaginapenisvaginapenisvaginapenisvaginapenisvaginapenisvaginapenisvagina.
Let me just say this. You are a girl. I never said girls hated the twilight series. On the other hand i said boys "don't" like it. By saying you liked it, you just proved that i was right. Girls are so stupid. ;D