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Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by doughboy, Mar 1, 2011.

  1. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    I'm sure it would help allot of people find what they are looking for faster if the Tutorials section was organized.
    Maybe by Console?
    I know they can use the search option (which I'm assuming you guys would suggest) but it would be more efficient that way and helpful for all.
  2. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    i might make a topic on helping out the tut section
  3. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    how does that help?
    he, he.

  4. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    It's not like anyone gives a fuck to actually go there and read stuff, if you couldn't tell by the number of people asking where the ROMs went.
  5. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    that makes no sense if you think about it...
    tutorials, organized...not roms, trolls, lurkers, pedos...
    i'm sure some tutorials will help allot of people out...... but they are everywhere...
    many read, just cause they don't post doesn't make it unhelpful...
  6. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Listen, or read, if you will.

    There are only 4 pages of Tutorials, if people wanted to find a tutorial it wouldn't take them that long.
  7. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    One would rather not go through that...
    I'ts like saying...
    "Hey I have four shelves of books, but i can't find the book you want..."
  8. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Waste of time.
  9. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    It would take them like a min to do it...
  10. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    What, to look through the "sorted threads"?

    Newsflash, it would take a minute anyway. 4 pages. Not that hard. Not everyone needs to have their hands held when browsing a forum.
  11. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    What wrong with organization?
  12. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    4 pages of threads don't need organization.
  13. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    yeah they do >:[
  14. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    All Im going to say is outdated ones should be deleted.Theres probably about 5 tuts for hacking PSP's-when you only need one.From memory,we've got ones from Almo/Hypnos/MikeC and of course Tuco.......
  15. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Unless your Internet is 10years old, you don't need more than a minute to click through 4pages worth of tuts. I can open tabs of all the tuts in that time.
  16. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    That sounds good.
    Mods approve unused tuts such as this one...he got all, negative feedback...
    I'm sure most of us would agree...
  17. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    The tutorial section just needs more attention in general. There's crap in there that needs to be taken out and there are good tutorials that haven't been added in as well.
  18. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    im still wiring some of mine atm which connects to the main one (psp hardmod tut)
    exactly, ease of navigation is much simpler....who cares if it's four pages....
    i guess im a really organized person and thought you guys would like that as well...
    personnaly, i think it's like a dirty room :/
    you guys are bringing up more options....but it is up to the mods to reply....
    what do you say loony, seph...someone...
  19. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Feel free to mention those in here.

    In regards to the organization, I'm not against it but I can't really deny that there isn't all that much in there in the first place. It's not something I'd consider branching out unless it got filled up a fair bit more.