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Tutorial: Pokemon - How to Create Legit-looking Non-hatched Pokemon

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by insanecrazy07, Jul 15, 2009.

  1. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I'm going to assume that you know how to work Pokesav, or read one of the tutorials on this site on how to use it. This expands into the more difficult methods of creating perfectly legit looking pokemon, and there is no way to tell the difference between a real one and a fake one.

    I should add that anything that you create with Pokesav you shouldn't be trading or scamming other people with it.

    Things you need to have before we start:
    -Pokesav (Platinum)
    Download here: http://projectpokemon.org/editing/pokesav/pokesavdownload.php
    -Sabresite's Legality Checker
    Download here: http://projectpokemon.org/editing/legalitychecker.php
    I don't have a link for this one, do some googling for it. It corrects the trashbytes for pal parked pokemon.

    Be sure to read the instructions on each of those pages. I will not cover how to use them here.

    Introduction to PID/IV relationships
    For every pokemon, there is a PID (Pokemon ID) that corresponds to its Nature, Ability 1 or 2, IVs and where it originated, (NDS, GBA, Event etc.)
    Luckily, there is a PID generator in Pokesav that you can use, however, it is limited in some aspects.

    Here is a spread for a wild caught, Impish Skarmory. The PID it has can be found in the list.
    Notice all of the BS Type 1, Type 2, Type 3 etc.
    For 4th generation pokemon, you’ll want to click Type 1.
    Using Sabresite’s Legality Checker will help you learn the other types as well.
    Type 1 is Normal NDS or GBA
    Type 2 is Wild NDS or GBA (this is really rare to see)
    Types 3 and 4 are for GBA only.
    The rest come up invalid or unknown.

    I should add in Abilities as well. For pokemon that have more than one ability, Ability 1 references it’s second LISTED ability on smogon or serebii. So for example, Alakazam has Ability 1 marked, its actual ability is Inner Focus. If it is marked as Ability 2, then it would have Synchronize. Just remember that they are flip-flopped. For pokemon with only one ability, it doesn’t matter.

    Now you might be thinking, how can I get a Skarmory with Impish nature, AND the right ability to go with it? You’ll have to play around with the IVs until you get something. This can take awhile, but the example shown already tells you the best possible answer for a wild caught Skarmory. Notice the 25 in the SpA area. Skarmory doesn’t use SpA so it’s best to lower those stats first before lowering any other one that is actually useful. Aside from using a Hidden Power, this combination is the best possible wild caught Impish Skarmory that you will find, which is highly unlikely to find in the wild I might add...

    For GBA events, most of them come up as Common GBA Event – Restricted. There is no way to duplicate those results so you’ll have to deal with the Unrestricted as the next best thing. My Celebi is like this since you can only get one using GBA events. For 4th generation wondercard events, there is a method to create them without randomized IVs and natures. That will be covered later in the tutorial.

    This is a legit 10 ANIV Celebi
    Notice the Restricted part.

    This is a hacked one.
    This is Unrestricted. The way to get that is to get a valid PID using the PID generator in Pokesav, selecting the FIRST Type 4 in that list. At least it registers as a Common GBA event, but it still is hacked.

    Introduction to Hex values
    (Copy pasted directly from projectpokemon for those of you that don't look up stuff)
    Notice that this data is rather outdated, even though they mention Platinum. This issue is still being researched. For hatched pokemon the boxes 44h and 45h have the values D0 and 07 respectively. 46h depends on where you hatched it. For Solaceon Town (the majority of hatches are there anyway), 04 is the value. For Route 210, the value is 19. If you don't want to worry about all of this stuff, hatch the pokemon yourself. For events and whatnot, download a wondercard or a .PKM file that has this information already filled out for you.


    Get to the Mystery Gift Edit menu. Make sure Enable Mystery Gift is checked.
    Start with the Wondercard section on the right.
    1a. Load your Wondercard PCD.
    1b. Load your Wondercard PGT.
    2a. Look at the Card ID (example 46) and Add 46 to the Wondercard IDs on the left, underneath Enable Mystery Gift.
    2b. Corresponding Card should also be 46.
    3a. Edit the Pokemon under the Gift section (lower left)
    3b. Make your modifications. Do ONLY the things specified in red.
    4. Save it as a .PKM file.
    5. Load the .PKM file in the Wondercard section.

    Be sure to hit OK when you're done.

    Hopefully, this will be clearer...

    Step 3 in more detail...

    I hope that after reading this, you'll be able to hack like a pro.
    Remember that hatched pokemon don't have to do anything horrible since the PID is automatically generated. It's just that there are no perfect 31 IV PIDs for wild pokemon.

    Update HGSS ONLY:
    The hex value 86h pertains to the type of ball it was caught in. I would recommend only using values 01-04. 01 is Masterball, 02 is Ultra, 03 is Great, and 04 is Poke Ball. Don't forget to correspond to the right ball that it is caught in. Also, ALL encountered Pokemon are Met in place 3002 - Faraway Place, with hex value 46h referencing the area it was caught in. The Egg is still hatched at 2000 DayCareCouple, but it is Met at 3002 Faraway Place. For most hatched pokemon 83 will do since that is Goldenrod City, which I'm assuming is where you hatch your eggs. There is a list somewhere, but the best rule of thumb is to actually catch the pokemon in-game and make the minor edits that way instead of starting from scratch.

    If you want a legit hatched pokemon, take the time to actually hatch a non-event Egg and look at the data it gives you. This won't work for the Togepi egg that you receive in game.

    The way to hack events using the Wondercard method is still the same. When you run these through Legal.exe, you may get Mystery Gift (dynamic) instead of (static).
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Nice guide...except I hate people who give me pokemon done thru this method :(

    I USED to colect ligit shinies and events...but now after I saw this...I've gone off pokemon, well at least the online trading part...people will always abuse this...

    Unless people who use this promise not to scam people :)
  3. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I thought about the ethical aspect, and really, there is no way to stop the idiots from TRADING this stuff. It's pretty common sense that you really shouldn't take advantage of other people with this since you can make just about anything that you want.

    If I do trades, I usually just keep a copy and send what they traded back.

    The whole collecting legit shinies and events died right when pokesav was released for D/P. I'd rather get something that's done well like this than some noob with an AR thinking he can fool people with it. I've gotten my fair share of shinies that are just sloppily done with an AR code. Luckily, I didn't actually give up anything important.

    If you are unethical, and you trade using this method, chances are, the other person is probably using the EXACT same method even though you're both pretending that you've never heard of pokesav...

    The whole reason I posted this is that I'm sick of being limited to events that Nintendo puts out, trickling down to the PKM database on projectpokemon. They only have one instance of an event, and it's usually crap as you can see with the legit Celebi. This method allows you to actually make the events useful in some way, instead of just taking up box space. This method also gives you some defense against people who sloppily hack as I like to call it. Instead of going full-out legit and losing because some idiot has perfect 31 IVs, you can come close to or match that.
  4. marzz92

    marzz92 Well-Known Member

    Nice guide, quite helpful. I once got a lv 53 mespirit from a trade. And it said met at lv 53....zzz
  5. forte_amirul

    forte_amirul Well-Known Member

    Nice guide.Really help me.Why it didn't moved?