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[Tutorial] How to hack an psp (older type)-WITHOUT PANDORA!

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by mds64, Jul 5, 2009.

  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    How to hack a psp-WITHOUT PANDORA!


    This is to permanently modify the flash in your psp-if done incorrrectly or not following the warnings, it can damage your psp, if you're not up to it, please don't continue reading...
    Warning: Read this guide fully before starting the process-while it may seem step by step, it can be risky following it like that, and also-I WILL NOT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGED PSP'S!

    Howdy, today I'm going to finally teach you all how to hack a psp, no money or risk of an exploding battery required!

    However, there are a few requirements for this to begin, you shall need

    1. Pspident 0.4
    2. Hellcat's recovery flasher 1.60
    3. ChickHEN R2 update or later
    4. The official 5.00update (renamed as 500.pbp in a folder called RECOVERY in the GAME folder)
    5. Your psp to be on 5.03 OFC (Official FimWare)
    6. A psp with a nice healthy FULL battery is advised-shut offs -and having a blackout or power changes (i.e. you pull out the charge plug, etc) will destroy the system-caution is advised.



    While not needed according to hellcat's recovery (as it's meant to autodetect when motherboard is in use)-I think it's best to use pspident, this picture displays which motherboards are safe to hack-for all cautious people out there :)

    Note that there may be updates and other CFW (Custom FirmWare) which can be used, however this guide will teach you how to install 5.00M33v6, which is only compatible on psp's 1000 and 2000, without the TA-88v3 motherboard, however, if you have that motherboard, chickHEN can help enable partial homebrew use, but not fully unlocked one's psp.

    No matter the type of psp, read on.

    Ok, once you have located those files, firstly install the following to check if your psp is compatible
    * Pspident-goes into psp/GAME folder
    * chickHEN-all relevant files go into the pictures folder (where pictures on your psp can be viewed via XMB-or the psp menu for those who don't know)

    Now, with chickHEN, it's a hit and miss, sometimes it will work, other's it may not, to make sure you have max chances of getting it to work...

    * Turn all UMD based options off (UMD cache, etc)
    * Delete all photos stores inside the photo album as they can reduce the chances of this from working
    * Make sure you have the correct chickHEN type (an older chickHEN will not let you use hell cat's recovery flasher, and there is a different type of chickHEN depending on your psp, a PHAT or SLIM, please use the relevant one to match)
    * Having a reset psp can increase the chances more (reset all settings, even user name, to default)
    * Make sure your stock standard, default theme is enabled-any changes to the colour or theme can reduce chances of this working (but the gray background seems to help :) )
    * Have an official magic gate card big enough to hold all of the tools required
    * If you have any save data, back it up and remove from card (if it only has the stuff you need, it shall help with the process-plus back you up in some part if something goes wrong)

    Ok, now is the hacking part, if you have a 3000 psp, follow along until I give you the “red light” warning, as you can still use homebrew, but not all of it, nor psp backup games or psx games.
    *note that this may change with certain plugins for the future
    Now, to begin, once chickHEN is installed, open your pictures folder on your XMB (psp menu) and DON’T TOUCH ANYTHING!

    If all of the UMD options are off (and using an official magic gate card may help a little) you should see your psp flash green and restart-that means chickHEN is now enabled-YAY!
    If not-your psp just Freezes and shuts down, something has gone wrong, re-check your options, reset the psp again if you need, also I find having the gray colour on my slim psp helped getting mine going.

    *If something has gone wrong, your psp is not damaged, the best part about HEN is that it doesn't touch the flash (the psp's memory) and thus doesn't void factory warranty-HEN as some users have said, is a hit and miss, keep trying, persistence is key

    Now, if you want check out the firmware-it should say chickHEN as the firmware type, otherwise it will say what it was before the process begun.
    *ChickHEN can be used as a safe alternative, but your psp will reset to original if turned off, if you want to leave it in chickHEN you will need to use standby mode instead of a full power down.


    Now, once chickHEN is enabled, use pspident (go to memory stick option on your XMB and select it-provided you put it where I said) to see what your psp's mother board is, if it's TA-88v3 you may need to try one of the other (but unfamiliar to me) options out there, this guide doesn't help you with that part, and so...


    Next step, if you're cool, now (if you haven't already tried/guessed) install hellcat's recovery flasher 1.60 in the same place as pspident (psp/game) and just click that option.

    Now the scary part-this is the part where your psp will be changed forever!

    I will admit to you, I have not used the other options, but all you need is the one highlighted option :)
    (The program will help you out a little as well-see the description at the bottom-it will help alot, I'm saying this to you because I have used 1.50 of this program, which only gives you 5.m33v4, and thus a little unfamilier with this one, but process should be the same)

    Now, follow thru with the prompts-however it will ask if you want to delete the flash saved options (user name, dates, etc) do so as it is (as the program itself advises you) the safest option.
    If you're unsure at this point, I would advise reading the read me packed with hellcat’s recovery flasher, it will contain useful information that may help you.

    Now the process-it will load up the CFW, and with a good battery it will go thru the process on its own, once done, it shall restart with 5.00m33v6-enabling full usage of your psp.
    Well, you're done-and provided your psp didn't malfunction-you should be a happy person with your now hacked psp.

    No Pandora batteries, no battery modding, just free software :)

    Feel free to now admire the firmware change-NOW GO GET SOME PLUGINS AND SOFTWARE TO ENJOY!
    Any questions, please ask me-if you're worried about the process, PM or post comment before going to the hellcats recovery flasher-otherwise I can't help you from after that point.

    FINAL DISCLAIMER-again I advise caution using this, if I made any errors please tell me asap so other user don't make any mistakes during the process-this is romulation-we help each other here right?

    *Unfortunatly due to a possible site error some of the content has ben altered-if anything doesn't make sence grammer wise or a vital instruction is missing and it wreaks your psp, I apoligise-however if you pm me not only can we try to workout the psp's trouble-but prehaps save other user's from having the same fate-though I'm not sending money to get them fixed-that isn't included in the guide...
  2. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    Re: [Tutorial] How to hack a psp-WITHOUT PANDORA! (free and easy)

    Posted in the wrong place!
    But nice Tut-tut :)
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Re: [Tutorial] How to hack a psp-WITHOUT PANDORA! (free and easy)

    um you can't post there-I spoke to a few mods and they said they shall move if it's acceptable.
  4. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Re: [Tutorial] How to hack a psp-WITHOUT PANDORA! (free and easy)

    Very thorough tutorial. The only thing I hate about the whole process is the hit-or-miss thing. Now you have your very own tutorial to link to when someone asks a PSP question.
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Re: [Tutorial] How to hack a psp-WITHOUT PANDORA! (free and easy)

    Indeed :)

    But I need someone to test it-the only part if the hell cat's flasher-not sure if I'm pointing people in the right direction-this one has more options than I thought it would have...

    I may edit this later-but if anyone just browses thru the options of it, let me know the best one for going from OFW to CFW.
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Re: [Tutorial] How to hack a psp-WITHOUT PANDORA! (free and easy)

    (Repeated method of using chickHEN)

    The correct way to run chickHEN:

    1. Power on your PSP.
    2. Scroll left to the “PHOTO” icon
    3. Scroll down to “Memory Stick”
    4. Select memory stick. (Either press X or O)
    5. If there is a folder which says chickHEN, select it.
    6. The chickHEN photos will load from top to bottom. Do not touch anything
    7. If PSP hangs and powers off (normally with a “pop” sound), restart process from step 1. You might need to do this up to 10 times!
    8. If PSP automatically restarts, you are done!

    To verify, scroll left to settings, scroll down to system settings, scroll down to system information. Under “version”, you will see 5.03 chickHEN R2.

    These suggestions might help to improve success rate.

    1. Remove any extra pictures you have added into the PSP
    2. Remove UMD
    3. When pictures are loading, scroll down to picture number 2.
    4. Power on your PSP from standby mode just before you run the pictures. (Put PSP to standby by briefly switching power to “off”)
    5. Restore default settings
    6. Enter Settings, System settings, Character set. Change Language to multilingual.
    7. In memory card, if you see a egghun.bin, delete it.

    Now, if you have a 3000, you need to locate "CFW enabler" to play psx games or psp isos, get that instead of hellcats's cfw flasher-that program will disable it's self when on a 3000 to protect it.

    Now-I don't mind helping you all via pm's-but reads the guide correctly-if you have a different firmware and refuse to change it-that's YOUR problem.

    If HEN is not working-it's unstable at best so keep trying-and make sure it's the right one for your model (2000/3000 needs slim-1000 need's phat)

    FOLLOW my guide-and if HEN fails FOLLOW this post right here!

    AND if any tools are missing-use google or locate slimhack's site or QJ downloads sites.

    They both have tools-if one lacks then move to the other.

    I like to help you people-but here is the reason why I didn't put the links up in the first place.

    -Links die at some point

    -Updates may come out-meaning what your using may be pointless

    -Many users (including myself at times) want it too easy-sorry to be arragant but I'm kinda teaching you to fend for yourselves...

    When I did this the first time-I searched all psp related sites for the tools-info-and surprise surprise-my method was uncommon to the users here!

    Now...take it easy, relax, if you need help I can...but FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS!

    Now you have links-and a repeat of what I have basically said-so you should be ready to go...

    Once I feel users get my tutorial-I may edit it some more to incorperate all these extra post...

    Now-as once said to me....

    "In order to get help, one must help themselves"

    I took a leap off faith with hellcat's 1.50-in that it has no idea what psp is in use-if it werent for the id numbers and pspident-I would have had a brick.

    Just ask for info-if your scared of bricking-DO NOT try this...

    And also-read the RED font-it's there to save your life :)
  7. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Re: [Tutorial] How to hack a psp-WITHOUT PANDORA! (free and easy)

    *Removed for future guide
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Re: [Tutorial] How to hack an psp (older type)-WITHOUT PANDORA! (NOW WITH 3000 LINK)

    ok-if your in australia and your close by (and have own transport) then prehaps I can offer to just do it for you :)

    Just today a relitivly new user had bad trouble with his-since he was really close-I just did it for him and taught him how it was to be done!

    However-I advise against this-due to cost of fuel and laptop requirements (Need fuel for car to run/laptop will have to be brought) I will have to charge-$5 just for the hack on it's own...

    I can offer games as well-just give me type of what you require (and you will need your own memory card....and a fully chaged psp...that slowed up the process today :( ) and I will work out a charge...

    Normally I wouldn't charge for this sort of thing-after all I did it free-but if your that bad in need-then give me a pm...

    BTW-must be close to Laverton market (rumbles and riches) for this to go-I will not travel all over just to hack someone's psp which they could have done themselves.

    (mods if in-appropriate-edit or delete this post-after today I got a suggestion to prehaps offer this as an idiot proof method...only charging because of fuel prices XD-AS FOR USERS NAME A PRICE AND I SHALL SEE IF WE CAN LOWER IT)