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[Tutorial] Hacking the PS3

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by insanecrazy07, Dec 28, 2010.

  1. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    This tutorial explains the basic steps in jailbreaking the PS3, which allows the PS3 to backup your own games onto the PS3 internal HDD or a properly formatted FAT32 external device.

    NOTE: You will need the magic number firmware (3.41).
    Do whatever necessary to get yourself to firmware 3.41 or none of this tutorial will be of any use to you.
    You really have only two options:
    1. Buy a dongle that allows you to downgrade
    2. Pirate some downgrading files if you are on 3.50.
    Do not ask me how to downgrade, because I have no idea.
    If you are past 3.50, then you will have to wait awhile until there are proper methods to downgrading your device. Upgrading firmware is usually the one way ticket to never being able to do cool stuff like this.

    Now, to begin.
    Things that are required:
    PS3 running firmware 3.41
    A jailbroken iPhone 3G (MUST be 3G! NOT 4G!) running a supported Bootlace firmware. (3.1.2 works for me)
    Access to Cydia repositories (sad that Rock doesn't work anymore...)
    iPhone power cord
    Access to iPhone's system files via OpenSSH (Use iSpirit)
    Supported files:
    I'm super lazy to find where I got them so here they are, all files are in one RAR.
    *Only the iPhone 3G section will be covered. There are a plethora of other devices that are able to jailbreak the PS3, however, I do not have those devices and thus cannot write a tutorial on them.

    iPhone section: Creating your PS3 jailbreaking device
    Assuming that you have a jailbroken iPhone 3G with access to Cydia repositories, download the app Bootlace through Cydia.
    Once Bootlace is downloaded and installed, install OpeniBoot and iDroid using Bootlace.
    From now on, OpeniBoot will boot before the iPhone OS giving you the option to boot in Android instead.
    OpenSSH the two files in the Hermes V4b iPhone2g-3g folder (android.img.gz, and zImage) into the iDroid folder under /private/var/idroid
    Yes to overwrite. You are overwriting the normal Android files, and replacing them with the hack that will hack the PS3.

    You have created a PS3 jailbreaking device.

    Preparing the hack using an iPhone 3G:
    Eject any discs in the PS3.
    Power down the PS3.
    Unplug all USB connections, and disconnect all PSP memory cards.
    Switch the power switch in the back to OFF.
    Power down your iPhone 3G.
    Plug in the iPhone 3G to your PS3.

    Executing the hack using iPhone 3G: READ THE ENTIRE SECTION BEFORE EXECUTING
    Turn on your iPhone 3G.
    Hit the power button twice, highlighting the Android icon.
    Hit the Home button to select. The Android software will start with a bunch of MSDOS looking text.
    Immediately turn the PS3 power switch to ON.
    Wait until the Penguin icon to show up and hit the Power button (on the PS3) and then immediately hit the Eject button within half a second of each other. BAM! BAM! (If you have a green dude for the icon and not a penguin, you did NOT OpenSSH the files in the right directory)
    Once the PS3 has booted (if it takes a little longer, you did it right), check the games section to see if you now have two folders:
    *Install Package Files

    Find the file called multiMAN COVERS PACK [20101218_200000].pkg, transfer it to a USB device (NOT a PSP memory stick), insert the USB device and Install Package using *Install Package Files

    You may also use Open Manager for games that need to be spliced and then put back together (Any game with PSARC files over 4GB, however I find Open Manager weird because it installs games in a weird location on your PS3, and doesn't read PS3 games installed in other locations. However, Multiman reads games from both directories, therefore, I find Multiman to be more useful, and Open Manager may be used for situational purposes)

    For games to be recognized on a FAT32 formatted external drive, the games must be placed in a folder named GAMEZ in the root directory. So the directory will look like X:\GAMEZ\Game ID

    NOTE: Jailbreaking your PS3 is TEMPORARY, meaning if you turn off your PS3, it will not be jailbroken anymore, and you will have to redo the steps to rejailbreak it.

    Using FTP:
    *Install Package Files
    Install the .pkg file found in PS3 FTP folder (provided in RAR) onto your PS3.
    Run the application on your PS3 and record the IP address. (For mine it was
    Start the service.
    Using an FTP client like Filezilla, connect using that IP address that you found, with the username FTPD12345, no password, and using Port 21
    For installing Disgaea 3, the patched BLUS30181 folder needs to go in /dev_hdd0/game
    Drag and drop like you do for OpenSSH.
    Once done, terminate the connection in your FTP cilent on your PC, AND THEN drop the connection on your PS3. Either way, you have a 50/50 chance of crashing and the PS3 will reboot in normal mode, and you will have to follow the Jailbreaking steps again to re-jailbreak your PS3.

    UPDATE: When you are done transferring files, just Exit to XMB and you will not crash. Don't press the second option. That's what causes it to crash. Also, the FTP homebrew is pretty shitty and may disconnect from time to time. Exit both Filezilla and the PS3 FTP, redo the whole process over again, and copy the files, but when it overwrites, select the option that says Overwrite if filesize is different. It will pretty much pick up where you got disconnected.

    Using Multiman:
    Optional, yet extremely convenient:
    PS3 internal drive large enough to your liking to hold problematic games such as Disgaea 3, Red Dead Redemption, and Uncharted 2
    FAT32 formatted external drive with enough capacity to backup an entire game

    Multiman will be found on the Games section of your XMB, and you will need a valid Blu-Ray game disc in the drive to play the other games. Some newer hacks allow you to run the games without a disc, however, those results are partial, therefore, it is always good to just run the game with a disc in the drive.

    Select a backup from the menu, Hit No when asked to run directly (because it doesn't work with most games...).
    Go to the Blu-Ray disc and run the game as usual.

    Concluding Statements:
    This tutorial is the bare minimum required to hack and utilize your PS3. Most of you will need to downgrade, and find a device that is capable of jailbreaking the PS3 if you do not have an iPhone 3G.

    I always have a bad feeling about upgrading firmware, especially when they decided to release 3 versions in less than a month. They do that to patch up exploits and to add in anti-piracy measures (really, patching up the exploit is essentially an anti-piracy measure).

    If you find that the iPhone 3G method works on an iPod Touch, respond with your results.
    If you find another device that works, post the directions and supported files and I will add it in its own section credited with your name.

    Remember that jailbreaking your PS3 is a lot like hacking a PSP3000. It is temporary, and if the PS3 crashes, decides to reboot, etc. you will need to rejailbreak it.

    I am not responsible for what you do to your PS3, iPhone, or anything involved in this tutorial. The information in this tutorial is for educational purposes only. You are fully responsible for what you do.

    FTP, Open Manager, and Comgenie's Awesome File Manager give you almost full access to your PS3's system files and irreversible damage may be caused by recklessness.

    Lastly, understand that by staying on firmware 3.41, you WILL NOT have access to the PSN store, or any Online functionality that requires you to login. Don't count on any hack that enables PSN functionality to last very long. If you accept these conditions like I have when I first bought my PS3, then this won't be much of an issue.

    UPDATE: There has been a new method to jailbreaking your PS3. It involves the use of custom firmware (CFW). However, it is only for consoles on version 3.55. If you are on 3.55, then it will work for you. If you are on 3.56 or later, you will have to wait for a new CFW to be released, or downgrade your PS3.

    I'll append this tutorial with the method using CFW.
  2. miros

    miros Well-Known Member

    That is a very cool tutortial! I have always liked the TI-84 graphing calculator jailbreak. Nice job anyways
  3. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    If you have done it with the TI-84, post how you did it.
    I have a TI-83 so I couldn't do it with that.
  4. RandomRedMage

    RandomRedMage Well-Known Member

    Well if you have to get the dongle to downgrade... Technically you can use that same dongle to Hack the thing... ._. making this guide extremely focused on Iphone owners.
  5. Fylgja

    Fylgja High level Neet

    this tut is out dated cos hackers have gotten a hold of the root key to sign homebrew
    apart from that great tut
  6. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I wrote this literally a month before kmeaw's 3.55 CFW.

    It was focused on iPod/iPhone users because who doesn't have a freaking iPod?
  7. BigGangstaKillaC93

    BigGangstaKillaC93 Well-Known Member

    So if I get CFW 3.55, I can play PS3 isos off my hardrive without burning them to disks?
  8. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Check out this: http://gbatemp.net/t280915-ps3-softmod-guide
  9. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Not ISOs, but you will have folders. Thank god we just play off of the folders or else we'd have 20-40 GB ISOs. That would piss me off royally. With folders, the game might be 12 GB, but not one file is over 4 GB, which makes it FAT32 friendly. If it were ISOs, pretty much every game bar a few PSN games (like Pain) and Marvel vs. Capcom 3 are larger than 4 GB.

    Plus, you'll need to mess with a few of the files for 3.60 FW games and higher. Even some lower firmware games require fixes to the EBOOT.BIN, PARAM.SFO, and other random files that need to be FTPed over to the PS3.

    I would highly suggest getting kmeaw's version of CFW 3.55. I find it to be the best since all you need is a simple lv2 patcher program to temporarily enable unsigned programs. This however disables Blu-Ray movie playback, but again, it is temporary. Once you shut it off and turn it back on, you'll be back to normal. The latest multiman can be run without running the lv2 patcher.

    There are programs available for editing EBOOTs. EBOOTFix and EBOOTMod are used to basically decrypt the EBOOT.
  10. BigGangstaKillaC93

    BigGangstaKillaC93 Well-Known Member

    Thanks alot for clearing that up for me, I'm going for kmeaw's now. Do you think you could refer me to some good sites where I can download these game folders? you can PM me direct links if you want.
  11. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Google is your friend.
    Any decent torrent site will have them.