Bulletin Board Code or BBCode is a lightweight markup language used to format posts in many message boards. The available tags are usually indicated by square brackets surrounding a keyword, and they are parsed by the message board system before being translated into a markup language that web browsers understand—usually HTML or XHTML.* In this guide I will show you basic BBc and its result. Bold:[nobbc][/nobbc] This is Bolded text Italics:[nobbc][/nobbc] This is Italicized text Underlined:[nobbc][/nobbc] This is Underlined text Strike through:[nobbc][/nobbc] This is text that has been struck through Preformatted Text:[nobbc] Code: [/nobbc] Code: This is Preformatted Text Left Align Text:[nobbc][/nobbc] This is text that has been aligned to the left Centered Text:[nobbc][/nobbc] This is Centered text Horizontal Rule:[nobbc][/nobbc] This text is in a horizontal rule Font Size:[nobbc][/nobbc] This is text that has been sized to 15 Colored Text:[nobbc][color=COLOR YOU WANT HERE][/color][/nobbc] This is text that has been Colored green Insert Image:[nobbc][/nobbc] Insert URL:[nobbc]URL HERE[/nobbc] https://www.romulation.org Insert Quote:[nobbc] [/nobbc] Insert Code:[nobbc] Code: CODE TEXT HERE [/nobbc] Code: <a href="http://example.com">Example</a> Me Text:[nobbc][me=YOUR USERNAME HERE]WHAT YOU"RE DOING RIGHT NOW HERE[/me][/nobbc] [me=SoulRunner]is making a BBc Code guide[/me] Prevent BBc Code from Processing:[nobbc][nobbc][/nobbc][/nobbc] [nobbc]This text was prevented from being bolded[/nobbc] Well, that is the main BBc Code you will encounter, although, there is more, like codes for tables and such, but you so not see them very often. Also, you should notice that some common BBc codes are not posted here because the RomULation forum does not support them. Hopefully reading this topic has helped you will the basics of BBc Coding and will help you later on! *Taken from Wikipedia
While appreciated the forum already has a more thorough version of this: http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?action=help;area=bbcode