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TTDSi v1.4 firmware Conflict...Please Help

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by htoe, May 18, 2010.

  1. htoe

    htoe New Member

    I know this topic has been covered, and I have read ALL the forums, and I have all the applicable software that would allow me to use, my TTDSi card with the newest DSi firmware. My biggest issue is that I DO NOT have any access to a DSLite with firmware below v 1.4. I was hoping that someone has a link, or can post, or would be willing to email me the appropriate files that I can copy to my card and make it work. I have 3 children all with DSi's, obviously they are frantic that dad screwed up their games, and are bugging me non-stop to fix them. I assume, that one I have the appropriate files, that I can just copy them onto each individual card correct? I appreciate all the help in advance. I shouldn't have updated all 3 DSi's without checking one first and then I wouldn't be in this predicament. Again I have 3 DSi's, NOW running firmware v1.4 , and I have all the files from the forums like TTi14upgrade.nds, and the newest TTDS firmware from the website, I understand the instructions, but without a DSlite to complete the process everything else is useless. Please someone help me find the "fixed" TT Menu, .dat, and .sys files. THanks
  2. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    You need to have a DSi with 1.3 or lower or a DSLite to do the update. Without it you cannot update.
    The files actually need to be ran from the card (like you would an NDS Game), not just placed on the card.

    The update changes the internal loader of the TTDSi, not the files on your MicroSD.
  3. htoe

    htoe New Member

    So I will have to do the "update" of each card individually?
    I am assuming that this update doesn't in anyway hurt the DSLite or DSi, that you are running the 1.4UPDATE.nds from right? I just want to make sure that if I find someone that will let me borrow their DS, that I won't inadvertantly alter in some way?
  4. Lomaha

    Lomaha Well-Known Member

    Nothing happens to the Nintendo - it just updates the card. I've done the process and it didn't effect the DSlite at all.
  5. htoe

    htoe New Member

    I appreciate all the helpful hints. One last semi-stupid question. I thought that TTDSi cards did not fit/work in a DSLite?
    I thought the TTDSi cards only worked on DSi, and that the TTDS cards fit into the DSlite? Am I mistaken, or is this incorrect? If I need to physically alter the cards, and not just the files, I obviously want to make sure that the cards for my kids DSi's fit into a DSlite. Thanks
  6. Lomaha

    Lomaha Well-Known Member

    The dstti card works for both ds lite and dsi. Cards for dsi and ds lite are the same size.