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TTDSI dsi version 1.4.1

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by Rat.2, Oct 4, 2010.


how do i get my ttdsi to work with updated dsi version 1.4.1? i have tried checking different forums

Poll closed Jan 12, 2011.
  1. can someone give me a link to the update

    0 vote(s)
  2. post ann update for the ttdsi or dstti please

    0 vote(s)
  1. Rat.2

    Rat.2 Well-Known Member

    help i dont often post anything on this site so i dont realy know how to do it
    Post Merge: [time]1286229902[/time]
    can any one help???
  2. alukado

    alukado Well-Known Member

    Need (a must):

    - DSi with 1.4X firmware or lower (must not 1.4.1) or any DS Units.
    - DSTT v1.15 kernel
    - DSTTi 1.4.1X Fix (thanks to Pong20302000 for the UP)
    - AC adapter
    - Full charged battery.



    - Format your memory card and place the DSTT kernel provided above.
    - Then place the DSTTi fix files in the root drive of your memory card.
    - Plug the AC adapter on the outlet and plug it to your DS (charging indicator must be up.. since the battery tends to drain fast.)
    - Place the memory card in your DSTTi and boot it up on your DS.
    - Select the TTi update.
    - On the first batch. It should check files (CRC check the files to be sure that the flashing will went well.)
    *****Warning: Full charged battery and you plugged in the AC charger.
    - Place it on your table for a while to avoid bricking your DSTTi.. since most of the cart tends to freeze when you moved them anyway.
    - Then it will say that Press X+Y to begin...
    - The update will erase the flash memory and its content (finished around 5mins)
    - Then a programming will show up (10mins or more..)
    *****My battery indicator flash a red color in this step.. but anyway.. its around 90% on that way.
    - Then you will hear a fancy melody with a message that you successfully updated your DSTTi internal firmware.
    - In this case.. you only have to do is to press any key to turn off. (dunno... but in my case.. it was just restarted @ DSi menu.. lol)
    - Done.. you can now update your DSi.

    --- ;D enjoy
    --- btw: the CRC was changed this time... (bootcode of DSTTi... so that why it passes the check lol)
    --- still using the old Star Wars Lethal Alliance.. as their bootcode

    edit: changes made

    Source : http://gbatemp.net/t253134-dstti-1-4-1-u-j-fix-for-dsi?
  3. Rat.2

    Rat.2 Well-Known Member

    thanx how do i close this thing now that its all sorted?
  4. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    that is fake 1.4.1 FIX,this one is the real one http://gbatemp.net/t257710-stop-exclusivity-firmware-for-dstti-1-4-1 , and the boot code is Alex Rider, NOT Star Wars Lethal Alliance
  5. Rat.2

    Rat.2 Well-Known Member

    ok thanks i already found the real update somewhere else i cant remember now but thanks anyway this has helped ;D
  6. Abbafan1972

    Abbafan1972 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for posting the real update, as I fell for the fake one, which told me my card didn't need upgrading.

    All working now though.