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Trying to run Woods on my R4i V 1.4.1

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Cailer, Mar 4, 2011.

  1. Cailer

    Cailer Member

    I followed this http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=39701.0
    and it said to use the M3 version. When I boot up my DS with just the Woods files in the root of my card all I get is the top screen says "? Menu" in a red box.

    My flashcard is the R4i V 1.4.1 (red box) Anyone know how to get Woods to work?
  2. flindoom92

    flindoom92 Member

    Dude u have to Run the R4i Firmware before running the Wood4TT =]
    Thats y its appearing that for ya
  3. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Alternatively try this one : http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=53397.0

    Wood for DSTT, some said it work for R4i SDHC.

    Copy the _rpg folder into your cart, and rename the TTMENU.DAT into TTMENU.NDS. Done.
  4. Cailer

    Cailer Member

    K the DSTT one worked. Now when I try to launch pokemon Black I get 2 white/grey screens lol.
  5. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Now try doing this;

    Download eNDcryptS.exe : http://www.no-intro.org/gbadat/tools/eNDryptS_Advanced_v1.2_NDS-iND.zip

    Unpack it, and then place the rom into the eNDcryptS folder. Run the eNDcryptS program. Press 1, you should see it says "decrypt > encrypt : 1 rom". Next press any button. And then press 1 again so that this time it show "encrypt > decrypt : 1 rom". Press any button again. And then, take that rom and place it in your cart, and test it again. Hopefully it work now.

    PS: try on both the unpatch and the patched rom, see which one run for you.
  6. Cailer

    Cailer Member

    tried it on the unpatched and patched both times the first time it runs it says successful the second time i press 1 the program closes
  7. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    That's strange, I had mine working using that method. Maybe someone else can drop in and assist you.
  8. Cailer

    Cailer Member

    I upgraded the woods to 1.26 cuz the link u sent was 1.25 would that have made a difference at all?
  9. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    There is wood v.1.26, but is it the same wood for DSTT? If not, you might not be able to run it. But go ahead and try it. Maybe you get lucky.....who knows. Or, simply change the _ds_menu.dat that is in the wood 4 DSTT's _rpg folder., maybe it will work.
  10. Cailer

    Cailer Member

    Nah i tried the new version I got that decrypt encrypt to work without closing and nothing seems to work :( guess I gotta wait until they patch it to work on the R4i card.