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Trying to get newer games to run but I'm not sure what to update

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by DM7000, Jun 20, 2012.

  1. DM7000

    DM7000 Member

    Hey everyone,

    So I have a r4i Gold from "ww.w.r4ids.com" and I've been trying to get newer games to run on it, specifically Pokemon Conquest and on my quest to update it, I've made it not work anymore. I was able to download the firmware from the website but that won't run any games. I've tried using r4Wood but that also won't run, I just get stuck on a permanent loading screen when that's present. I loaded YSmenu and when I tried to load it from the native firmware, it would either not work. Or it would load but then when I tried to run a game it would give me a DLDI Name Error. Can anyone please point me in the right direction of what to do?

    Thank you.
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    if your cart is no longer updated and third party firmwares don't work, your only option is to buy a new, better supported, flashcart.
  3. DM7000

    DM7000 Member

    Well my main problem now is that before I was able to run Pokemon Black and White. But now I can't. For some reason I can't find a version of WoodR4 that will work anymore, and I know that's what i had before.

    EDIT: Well this is rather embarassing...I was using the wrong firmware the entire time. I needed to use the Wood firmware for R4i Gold. I was using some other one.