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Truth About Cancer IMPOTANT

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by 2000wolfangs, Oct 20, 2008.

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  1. 2000wolfangs

    2000wolfangs Member

    You choose either one: Blue Pill or Red Pill

    After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

    Are you ready to take the 'Red Pill'
    Its your life and the ones that you care about that are on the line. Fasten your seatbelt and Educate - Yourself.

    Here is something you may not have known and is very True." Governments,Media,Medical Mafia etc... ran by Public Enemies #1 the Shadow Government " Bilderberg Group" (300 Ruling Families) Cover up CANCER CURE and need to be charged with MASS MURDER then JAILED ." Medical Researchers in Madrid had announced that they destroyed incurable Brain cancer tumors by injecting THC. As you know Virtually NO Newspaper carried the story.The ominous part is this was not the first time scientists have discovered that THC destroys tumors . In 1974 researchers at the Medical college of Virgina found out that THC destroyed three of the worst kinds of Cancers we are facing right now.The DEA quickly shut down the Virgina study and all further Cannabis / Tumor research .Many of you are finding out that this is True after watching " Run From The Cure" by Rick Simpson, the man who cured many peoples cancers and other health problems including his Cancer etc with Medical Hemp Oil . Sadly the deeper you look the more you see that Medical Hemp Oil is just 1 of many other suppressed cures and treatments .

    The Important Information in this group will take you a while to research , so please it is extremely important you take a little bit in everyday and as fast as you can . " Knowledge is the key".

    An estimated 7.6 million people die of cancer every year - 13 percent of all deaths worldwide. Sadly about 84 million people will die in the next 10 years if action is not taken .

    Please Help us Fight & Win Against the Evil Cancers of this world

    Bilderberg Group was founded by Prince Bernard of the Netherlands in 1954

    link .

    You think alot of people are getting cancer etc now ? Wait till these Fascist World Elites (Bilderberg Group) that are also behind Codex Alimentarius get 100% control of our World . Codex Alimentarius is a threat to the freedom of people to choose natural healing and alternative medicine and nutrition. Ratified by the World Health Organization .The threat to health freedom has never been greater.Codex Alimentarius, which I believe goes into effect on 12/31/2009 for the U.S. then the World and everyone knows if that happens they say BILLIONS could get SICK and DIE if its implemented.That is their plan you have to know this by now and if you do not its time to face the TRUTH that None of Us really matter to Them . Its US or Them and if we all Unite like we are suppose to be already they have no chance in hell and they know that .

    Lets bring these evil people to justice NOW and build a Great World of Peace and Love . We clearly need a new system working as One and not just for a Select Fascist Ruling Elite .

    Pharmaceutical corporations accused of Genocide before ICC in The Hague
    By Matthias Rath MD - The Hague, June 14, 2003 (Original article is here) link

    Pharmaceutical corporations and individual executives have been accused of genocide and crimes of war before the International Criminal Court in The Hague. The charges, which also involve accusations of war crimes against US President George W. Bush, UK Prime Minister Tony Blair and other top political figures, are contained in a detailed complaint filed with the ICC by Dr. Mathias Rath.

    Pharmaceutical companies including Pfizer, Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Amgen and Astra Zeneca are accused of deliberately preventing life-saving natural alternatives to drug based treatments from being applied in prevention and cure. A worldwide disinformation campaign undertaken by these companies is said to have caused the death of millions of people. Their role in getting both Bush and Blair into power and in determining the policies of their respective administrations with respect to the recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq is cited as evidence for a case made for violation of Human Rights.

    The people that are trying to make this world worse are not taking a day off. How can we ?


    WHO Controls the Cancer Business?

    Few people know that there is a media monopoly in the hands of a few families and global corporations.
    Cancer is "big business" and they will sacrifice your life in the process.

    Most people think that the physicians and researchers are in charge of the medical establishment. But the health care professionals are often under the control of "lay persons". Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York is controlled by the board of trustees, who are executives of corporations which have the greatest vested interest in the cancer industry. The major players in control of the cancer industry, including the information that you and your physician are "allowed" to know - are the following:

    1) Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York,
    2) the American Cancer Society,
    3) the National Cancer Institute,
    4) the FDA {the Food and Drug Administration.

    In the 1880s, the wealthy Astor family, who made their wealth from fur trading and tenement properties {slum lords }, provided the funding for the New York Cancer Hospital, which later became Sloan Kettering Memorial Cancer Center. Because of their large contributions, they demanded control as to who would have the leading positions on the board of directors, and who would be the medical director of the hospital.

    In the 1920s, the Rockefellers, who controlled Standard Oil of New Jersey, signed an extensive agreement with the German pharmaceutical company I.G. Farben. After this partnership was formed, the Standard Oil Company suddenly developed a great interest in the world-wide pharmaceutical business. The Rockefellers then began their systematic contributions to the Sloan Kettering Memorial Hospital. Soon, an executive of the Rockefellers' Standard Oil was invited to join the board of managers. And soon, he was made chairman of the newly organized research committee. When World War II came along, Cornelius Rhodes, who was involved in the beginning cancer research at Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, became chief of research for the chemical warfare service of the U.S. military - whose function was to conduct studies of the effects of poison gas.

    But human experiments with nitrogen mustard - a poison gas, were also being carried out on cancer patients under cover of military secrecy. Nitrogen mustard, a chemical warfare killing agent, and the grandfather of chemotherapy agents, is still used on cancer patients today! They now have the "acceptable" names of Cytoxin, Alkeran, and Leukeran. Nitrogen mustard is meant to kill people, and it frequently does that job very well when given to cancer patients.

    In the mid l960s, the members of Memorial Sloan Kettering's board were individuals whose corporations stood to loose or gain a great deal of money, depending on how cancer was treated. By 1988, over a third of the board of directors of Memorial Sloan Kettering had ties to the medical industrial complex, whose corporations produce a wide range of known carcinogens {chemicals which cause cancer}. Some of the members of Memorial Sloan Kettering's board are from

    1) Exxon - one of the world's greatest producers of benzene,
    2) General Motors
    3) Allied Chemical Company, manufacturer of cancer causing red dyes,
    4) corporations which produce asbestos, and other producers of life-threatening chemicals.

    Those who are making millions by mass-producing cancer-causing substances, are also making more millions by being on the corporate boards, and controlling the cancer research industry - to make sure that they use cancer causing chemicals to treat the cancers caused by the cancer causing chemicals that produced the cancers in the first place!

    These directors bring to their jobs at Memorial Sloan Kettering the same philosophy and interests that guide their business and financial activities - make money! Research is directed away from prevention, away from inexpensive alternatives, and toward "profitable" treatments.
    Why don't we hear this information through the media? Let's look at the media ties on the board of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. In 1988 two board members were directors of the "New York Times" Corporation. Two board members were executives at "Reader's Digest". One board member was president of "Warner Communications", and one was director of CBS. [Pastor Jan: The ex-Jesuit priest revealed that the great pharmaceutical companies, as well as the great media companies, are owned in varying degrees, and are directly or indirectly controlled by the Vatican in Rome].

    When a story about a promising alternative treatment for cancer was dropped by United Press International, some journalists asked "Why?" They were told that all cancer stories had to be cleared through the "science editing department" of the Associated Press in New York. So the story didn't run. All cancer stories in the official media in the U.S. had to be cleared by one group in New York City where Memorial Sloan Kettering has total control of all policies relating to cancer. [As in Hitler's Germany] - all cancer stories for all the citizens of America have to be "approved" - just as all treatments have to be "approved" - and by these same people.

    How about the American Cancer Society? They make over 400 million dollars a year. Yet not a single breakthrough has resulted from that massive collection of money.

    The American Cancer Society was founded at the New York Harvard Club in 1913 by none other than John D. Rockefeller Jr. and his friends. From the start, the society was to be a "shaper of public opinion". Its goal was to urge the public to consult their doctors at the very first suspicion of cancer. In 1978 it was found that the American Cancer Society was hoarding millions of dollars while claiming that it couldn't do vital cancer research for lack of funds. This society is not interested in a cure because it would go out of business. Why? An article appeared in Harper's magazine stating - "The American Cancer Society was designated by charter as an emergency organization which must disband the day a cure is found". If the American Cancer Society admitted that a cure was found, they would have to be disbanded, and give up that $400 million a year.

    The National Cancer Institute is a government research agency. They are responsible for funding the so-called "war on cancer". They hand out billions of dollars of your tax money to support scientists at various scientific institutions. In the late 1960s, Congress established a panel of consultants to study the conquest of cancer. It was this committee that ultimately recommended the "war on cancer" which was passed as a bill in Congress in 1971. Of the 26 panel members who proposed this "war on cancer" ten were officers of the American Cancer Society, four were members of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute, and seven others were from chemical and pharmaceutical companies who would be receiving millions of taxpayer dollars that would be handed out by the government, and eventually be funneled into their pockets.For this reason, the National Cancer Institute will never fund the research of any alternative treatments for cancer. The National Cancer Institute has been nothing but a sham - to appease Congress, and especially to appease the public who are beginning to understand that the war on cancer [by conventional medical techniques] is an abysmal failure - and who are clamoring for effective alternative treatments.

    The public pays through their taxes for the drug companies to develop cancer causing drugs to treat cancer. And then they pay again at monopoly prices [to purchase these drugs - which are killing millions of them] which their tax money was used to pay the drug companies to develop in the first place. What a racket!

    The FDA {Food and Drug Administration} is a government agency, staffed by civil servants. It's role theoretically is to prevent harmful substances {presumably used in treating disease} from entering the marketplace. Yet they strongly endorse chemotherapy and radiation, both extremely harmful treatments.

    In 1974, eleven FDA scientists, testifying in Senate hearing, charged their own agency of being a virtual pawn of the pharmaceutical companies it is supposed to control. They testified that they were harassed by agency officials whenever they recommended against approval of marketing some new drug.

    The American cancer society, the American Cancer Institute, and the FDA, are all in bed together. They are working for themselves, not for you.

    John Swinton, the former chief of staff for the New York Times, said to the New York Press Club, "We are tools of the rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks. They pull the strings, and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities, are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes".
    The Hundred-Year LIE
    How Food and Medicine are Destroying Your Health

    SOURCE: http://www.facebook.com/s.php?sid=d1aaa29a05f0ed3232ea0a3beb5b10c4&refurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fs.php%3Fsid%3Dd1aaa29a05f0ed3232ea0a3beb5b10c4%26init%3Dq%26sf%3Dr%26k%3D400000000010%26n%3D-1%26q%3DLife&init=q&sf=t&n=-1&q=Life&&o=4&k=200000010#/group.php?sid=d1aaa29a05f0ed3232ea0a3beb5b10c4&refurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fs.php%3Fsid%3Dd1aaa29a05f0ed3232ea0a3beb5b10c4%26init%3Dq%26sf%3Dt%26n%3D-1%26q%3DLife%26o%3D4%26k%3D200000010&gid=10228719652
  2. 2000wolfangs

    2000wolfangs Member

    omg no one is reading it.
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Facebook is not a credible source.
  4. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    Isnt that like.
    The red and blue pill thiing
    from The Matrix or soemthing ?
  5. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    Ah... yes, the ol' wall of text. Gets 'em every time. I'll reserve my opinion until I have the time to read it, but still, sources please?
  6. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    I didn't read either,
    but I heard he's recently established contact with planet bullshit...

    From skimming it, the general gist seems to be
    that there are loads of secret cures to cancer, including THC
    (yeah...like no-one has researched the carcinogenic properties of cannabis ::) )

    But of course it's all a big conspiracy...
  7. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    tl;dr much?
    I didn't read all of it but I already know that Governments don't want to pay for Cancer Treatment because "it's too expensive", but saying that they do spend alot of money on things they shouldn't, they spend money on themselves sometimes, too much corruption. Saying Corruption, did you know that Corruption is whats causing Cancer in the first place?...
  8. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    There is one thing in the world I hate more than bad English:

    Conspiracy Theorists.

    I just want to take a stick and stab their faces.

    Come on, why is the US Government behind EVERYTHING? There's even a "theory" that the US Government caused the Sichuan Earthquake with some HAARP machine. Someone on YouTube thinks moiré and rainbows are caused by the US Government storing energy in our houses or something.
  9. 2000wolfangs

    2000wolfangs Member

    Go google on the topics and see how much info you can get.
  10. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member


    I got some info, all right. This is the YouTube user I was talking about. I discovered her on failblog.
  11. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    lmao facebook is your source?

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