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Translation Codes For Valkyrie Profile, Dragon Quest V or Suikoden Tierkreis?

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by DTheRPGFan657289, Dec 22, 2008.

  1. DTheRPGFan657289

    DTheRPGFan657289 Well-Known Member

    I got the R4CCE up and managed to get the coding set up for Chrono Trigger to run. Five hours of troubleshooting to get the rom to work and this only took 5 minutes. But does anyone have any of the coding made up for Action Replay so that you can access the English language on any of these J-roms?
  2. calmcc

    calmcc Guest

    If you downloaded the Japanese NDS rom, it follows that the only language present will be Japanese. They don't make games with parallel languages built-in (at least not usually, but it has happened in the past).

    You will need to find the translated US/PAL version of the game, otherwise you'll have to play your Japanese NDS rom in Japanese & fluke your way through a game you won't understand. There exists no Action Replay code to draw out something which isn't there.

    Hope that helps.
  3. crms5

    crms5 New Member

    What is "translated US/PAL version of the game"?
    Can I translate a English version to Japanese version?
    I want the 007 and Wall-e, but my son can`t read English.
  4. calmcc

    calmcc Guest


    In your case, it's the reverse. Both "Wall-E" (NDS 2383) and "James Bond 007: Quantum of Solice" (NDS 2844/2934) are games based on English films that may come to different countries after time (if there is demand), but you may well be stuck with only English versions of the games for a long time (or perhaps never). If your son is okay with it, perhaps you could sit by him as he plays and answer questions he may have about certain English words. Certainly an option, but it's a bit strange playing a video game next to your dad, so :)

    In answer to your question, in most cases a Japanese company will make a video game (for example, Square-Enix, Konami, Capcom, Atlus, Bandai, etc). That game will be for a Japanese audience, and therefore the game will only be in Japanese. If there is enough interest in the game for a "Western" audience, an overseas company can try to obtain an exclusive license for the game. In most cases, it is not profitable for the original company to do this, thus selling the overseas distribution rights of their game is a more profitable and less time-consuming way to generate more revenue.

    Once they obtain a license to redistribute the game, the overseas company (for example Electronic Arts in America) will translate the game script from Japanese to English, replacing the original game language. Finally, the licensed overseas distributor sells their translated product to their English speaking target audience.

    Though gaming companies are moving towards allowing people to play multi-region games, in most cases an American console won't play a Japanese game (region lock, incompatible TV signal, etc) and visa versa. In addition, even were it possible by some means, unless the player has an understanding of the language, it is usually a frustrating & confusing experience.

    I hope that answers your question.