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Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Autobots/Decepticons save help

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Cannonvine, Jun 25, 2009.

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  1. Cannonvine

    Cannonvine New Member

    What save type do I use for these games. I cant save the game on the emulator (NO$GBA), every time I close the game all the save data is gone and when I go to play it I am left with two empty slots. PLEASE HELP!
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...I'd just keep trying personally until I get the save type right-there is only less than 20 options...

    Just don't rely on the "auto" option like I onced did :(

    Sorry I can't be of much help...
  3. Cannonvine

    Cannonvine New Member

    My NO$GBA only has 7 options and DOES NOT have an "auto" option, so does that mean im using the wrong emulator? I have version 2.6.
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...I think there is a 2.6a...

    But don't worry-the auto option, I guess, wasn't finished, lost hours of work because it was ON!

    Ok, try this, is there a save folder near the executable?

    If there is data of the game, it means SOMETHING is saving...

    Prehaps using the emu you can select it-though I'm not sure-it's been awhile...

    The most common error I get is I find the right battery type, but the problem is (like metal slug 7) it goes "save battery is missing/damaged-please turn off your ds" so I'd just reset it to fix...

    Sadly this isn't the case-prehaps next time when I get the chance, I'll download a copy, reinstall this emu, and see what the deal is myself...

    Don't panic over that option-I found it annoying anyways :) (just keep changing the setting, saving, and trying, if the error I just mentioned comes up, just use the reset command)
  5. Cannonvine

    Cannonvine New Member

    I found the problem, there IS a 2.6a and it has an auto option. And it works with the auto option.

    Thanks for your help.
  6. hoboslayer

    hoboslayer Member

    im have this game (decepticon version) and it doesnt save for me, i have set the save file size to be 512 kb as it is on the sdcard itself but it doesnt save.
    does anyone else have this problem?
  7. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    You modify the savefile? Don't. What flashcart do you have?
  8. hoboslayer

    hoboslayer Member

    i have the dsone, and if i dont change the savefile size it remains at unknown.
    Post Merge: [time]1246004107[/time]
    how does the game save anyway?
  9. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    If it were the normal cart, you just use the save option, or find a save point...

    If used on an emu (or flash cart) you might need to change the save type...but only if it fails on the defualt settings...

    But on flash cards (like my trusty acekard) I would not advise it...
  10. hoboslayer

    hoboslayer Member

    the game normally has a save option?
    i havnt been able to find it on this game, And how do you change the save type on the dsone?
  11. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...my statment was based on the fact of how ds games save...not all games have "auto save" options where they do it for you...

    But with emu's and flash cards, it's a little harder-you may have to change the save type..

    But for the ds card-if the standard settings aren't doing it, well...

    What card DO YOU have?
  12. hoboslayer

    hoboslayer Member

    my flashcard is called the dsone.
    dsone supercard
    Post Merge: [time]1246011705[/time]
    the dsone allows me to change the save file size of the game, but if it isnt correct it doesnt save.
    usually if i open up the folder and look at the .sav file created for it its usually what i have to set it as.
    in this case its 512kb but it still doesnt save
  13. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    delete that save data and change it until it works...

    that is a card I'm not familier with unfortunatly-other than changing the save type and using it "fresh" I can't help much more :(
  14. hoboslayer

    hoboslayer Member

    do you know what the save file size is normally?
  15. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    just keep trying-should be preset types to chose from
  16. hoboslayer

    hoboslayer Member

    i renamed the game so that itll make a new save file and im trying it at 512 kbs
    but in the game itself, does it save automatically? or is there an option that i cant find?
  17. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    there should be an option for it to save...but I have never played this one before...

    don't rename the game-the save data needs to be changed-not the name!

    there should be bigger memory options-delete the save data out of the card and mess around with the save type until you find the right size-a bigger type may help
  18. hoboslayer

    hoboslayer Member

    thats what im doing, renaming the game makes it create a new save file.
    im trying out different sizes
  19. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...what I would do, is link the card via computer, find the sav data (game.nds.sav/game.sav) and delete that-your only filling the card with dead data.

    BEFORE you start the rom there should be a menu you can activate just before you start-I would say the next size up might help...

    I'm actually considering downloading the rom and getting my emu back up and running to do a test on this-I found some data on this game but nothing on what the data type is-prehaps it's the roms problem...
    Post Merge: [time]1246031688[/time]
    ..aww crap, I just had a go...

    Ok-the problem is the same as the original transformers game-THE MADE IN UNCLEAR HOW YOU SAVE INGAME!

    It's the makers fault...

    I used the last option of the save data types (FRAM 32bytes) but I do suggest you play thru a mission 100 percent and see if it saves...

    On the default settings first-if I had the manual I might point put how because,clearly, it doesn't auto save play data...

    Post Merge: [time]1246030070[/time]
    ..ok, I'm baseing my info on the last game, it should auto save :(

    Now, tommoro night I will try again on my acekard and help you with thr results-btw it doesn't seem to save on the setting I mentioned-I did that so it would work-try the other save types as I keep repeating-AND DELETE THE SAVE DATA DON'T RENAME IT DOES NOTHING!
  20. hoboslayer

    hoboslayer Member

    i keep changing the size and seeing if it saves, im finishing the first mission where you get your form and stuff.
    i gotta tell ya though ive done this mission a hundred times now.
    Post Merge: [time]1246092710[/time]
    ive tried the following sizes, 256kb 512kb 1 meg 2 meg and 4 meg, none of em work
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