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Tower Tycoon Palmer help

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by ASuch, Apr 4, 2010.

  1. ASuch

    ASuch Well-Known Member

    I need some help with battling Palmer. My suicune could easily defeat Rhyperior and Dragonite, but my team got swept by Milotic. The pokemon I used were Suicune, Typhlosion, and Snorlax. My strategy was for Suicune to take out Rhyperior and Dragonite, and have Typhlosion and Snorlax get rid of Milotic, but it failed. Any suggestions for beating the Milotic?
  2. forses

    forses New Member

    i suggest to use an electric pokemon like luxray or magnezone << with this type i win :)

    note/can you give me your friend code so i can challenge you some time ??
  3. Frivera360

    Frivera360 Guest

    Get a blissey and teach it hypnosis/sing
  4. zerobahamut

    zerobahamut Well-Known Member

    Maybe a Lantern since its electric and water type
    Teach it
    Hydro Pump
    Aqua Ring
    Signal Beam
  5. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    A Suicune losing to a Milotic?
    What's your move set? Does it have HP Electric?

    Even the Crocune setup should be able to outstall Milotic and with enough CMs be able to wall it completely and go for the kill even with Surf not being very effective...

    You're going to have to elaborate more on the setups that you have.
  6. ASuch

    ASuch Well-Known Member

    Well what I planned to do was to have my Suicune (Tailwind, Ice Beam, Surf, Mirror Coat) to get rid of the Dragonite and the Rhyperior. What happened to my Suicune was that I got paralyzed by Dragonite, and I was beaten down a lot before I beat Dragonite. When I tried to kill Milotic, it completely sweeped my Typhlosion (Swift, Earthquake, Flamethrower, Fire Blast) and my Snorlax (Giga Impact, Rock Slide, Crunch, Brick Break). I read on psypokes that the Milotic has high SD, so I thought that a Giga Impact from Snorlax would be able to kill it. But I was wrong. It made my Snorlax asleep for like 5 turns, which was enough to kill him. And Suicunes HP is Ice.
  7. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    You could try teaching your suicune Calm mind.. or just teach it toxic
    or get a magikarp lol
  8. ASuch

    ASuch Well-Known Member

    I was going to teach it Calm Mind, but I don't have enough BP for that. I saw on Youtube that this one guy had an amazing Suicune. What it had was something like Calm Mind, Rest, Sleep Talk, and Surf. It annihlated the Milotic. The strategy was to Calm Mind, then at Low hp Rest, then Sleep Talk.

    Can you battle online on a No$GBA 2.6a with friend codes?
  9. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    That amazing Suicune is called a Crocune, named after the person who invented that setup. That's why I was so appalled as to why your Suicune lost to a Milotic.

    Your Typhlosion really needs to learn a Grass move...Even a Ninetales with Energy Ball would have been better, just not against that Milotic...
  10. ASuch

    ASuch Well-Known Member

    Thats what I was noticing about my Typhlosion. It has no protection to Water types, but the only grass move it can know is SolarBeam. Should I just Pokesav a Ty with a grass move?
  11. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    The only viable grass move is Hidden Power Grass, or Solarbeam with a white herb (which is bleh).
    That's why I don't really like Typhlosion all that much.
  12. ASuch

    ASuch Well-Known Member

    Well I'm not a person that plays online, so I don't need my pokemon to be the best in the world. My real team is in my Platinum/Diamond versions. Now there, I have serious pokemon ready to kick but.
  13. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    No you can't battle onlone on no$gba, but you can battle online with a ds then upload your battle onto a emulator. But if you really want to test out teams and stuff you should try out shoddybattle and u'll learn tactics and become really good with no time at all.
    Also, you should look up magikarp vs palmer on youtube.