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Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by The_Fox, Jul 20, 2009.

  1. The_Fox

    The_Fox Well-Known Member

    Well, for a project I'm involved in, (I won't advertise) We recently set up a private torrent with the whole website addition.

    This could be a better way to share the roms.

    It's not that much hard work, and doesn't take up that much time. This could again, attract more users, with the obvious advantages, and disadvantages, it could be something worthwhile to look into.

    Most of it is all done in PHP... which I'm sure you admin are decent enough in.

    Being private you could keep the whole username and password and perhaps find a way to link them to the mySQL you store everything in now.. (not sure how you'd do that)

    But I know for one, I'd be extremely interesting in seeing this implemented, and again, I'd be happy to offer any assistance.

    Anyways, my apologies for being so 'suggestive' as of late, my girlfriend informs me on a regulary basis, I'm a know-it-all big head who can't keep his nose out, LOL.

    Again, sorry if it's been suggested before, I refuse to read through years of logs LOL.

    So *tips his hat* toodle-pip
  2. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    We actually have a working c++ tracker and a basic front-end coded up, we're working on it as time allows and once done it will be launched as a new site - with an option to copy your romulation account over to the tracker.

    The only thing that's really keeping it from happening is time. :)
  3. The_Fox

    The_Fox Well-Known Member

    Oh really?

    May I ask what you're using, or is it custom coded? If possible I'd love to have a look at the source.
  4. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    C++ tracker is a modified XBTT and front-end is entirely custom coded so far.