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Tornado - Okay not really

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by anandjones, Jul 30, 2008.

  1. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Well, it's been raining all day today, and it's been raining hardout off and on. I was walking home today with my little brother from school, my mum couldn't pick me up. I was walking across the old park, it's a lot quicker. Anyways, suddenly the wind was so strong, it was actually pushing me across, making me run. I was flying off in all sorts of directions. I was eventually at the end of the park, beside the road, behind a tree. I stayed there for a bit, while my little brother was behind me, running up to me. I moved a bit, when suddenly, one of the trees that surround the park fell down beside me, if I moved earlier, I would have gotten crushed :( The tree was actually covering the whole road. Some punter made a path over some weak branches with his car, so people just got in and out that way. I can still hear the slight sound of a siren, probably from the fire trucks or something. Anyways that's me. This is in Nelson, New Zealand. I actually wasn't that scared but hey :p I feel sorry for those people in America and whatnot who have to live with those tornados/hurricane such as Katrina and Anand etc. Has anyone been through a similar or more horrifying experience?
  2. err

    err Well-Known Member

    Oh here where I live is known as Tornado Valley so we get tornadoes all the time. The most dramatic experience I've had with a tornado was when I was 13 and tornado struck very close to my house. Luckily only a small part of the roof was blown off and the tornado shelter kinda caved in for a few weeks before they could clear it. Good thing I only have to deal with tornadoes and not hurricanes and earthquakes.
  3. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Just got news that the strong winds were happening in most cities in New Zealand.
  4. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    Tornadoes are natural phenomena and they are the only calaities that come with a warning. I haven't been introduced to any of these expriences but my mother used to tell this tale when she was in Florida she survived by heavenly luck, all the other neighbours had got to other places whilst my mother was trying to safe herself in the basement, suddenly I don't know she lost her consiousness and woke up the next morning and saw haer mother and father all alive on the other side with the top floor all flown away from the winds of the tornado. I have been exprienced in a situation of flood where we were evacuated to the roof. During this exprience I was about 6 or 7 years old.