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Top Downloads

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by akira411, Jun 2, 2008.

  1. akira411

    akira411 Member

    Hi. I was wondering if you could add a Top Downloads feature on your site, which displays the top downloads for each ROM category.
  2. clyffe28

    clyffe28 Well-Known Member

    There is a "Romulaton's most downloaded roms" option on the main site
  3. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Yes go into a Download section, go to Sort and Searching (etc) and one of the options change to Download.
  4. akira411

    akira411 Member

    sorry didnt see it yet.
    thanks by the way
  5. natster

    natster New Member

    Hi, I came in here to basically suggest the same thing but "Best Rated Games". Sorry but I don't see "Romulations most downloaded roms" or anything like that. I go to Downloads-->Search and then it has dropdowns for game systems, or genres. There was in one of the dropdowns (Sort By) an option "Rating" but when I choose that and click search it says "You have to actually search for something". I don't want to type anything in, just to view the highest rated NDS games no matter what genre and no matter the name.

    Any help is appreciated, thank you.
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    to get most downloaded: on the main page, go to 'home settings' and put a tick next to 'most downloaded...'
    to get highest rating: go to the downloads page, and into a system. Then change the sorting options to 'rating' and click 'sort'
  7. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Well that's because you don't want to search, you want to sort. On the listing page there's a heading saying searching and sorting, click on that and you'll get the options.
  8. natster

    natster New Member

    Thanks guys. I can actually see the Top Downloaded games now. :)

    Darn it, that little tick in Home Settings. Who knew.. ;)

    Seph: I did do that before as well and it works but because there are too many single ratings of 5 (apparently) it's not as helpful at the moment. But I understand from another thread that you are going to make it a minimum of 5 ratings, etc to make it more accurate. I might even suggest 10 ratings minimum but do offer some incentive when you request people to rate their prior downloads, which is a good idea by the way.