Stanley, shame on you, at least tinyurl it first x] j c 2000, Google "Best Gamecube Games" or Youtube the same search, and do the same for any system, replace Gamecube with whatever system. Simple enough? Good.
Ok, how about this, here's my top 5 based on personal experience. 5. Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness 4. F-Zero GX 3. The Simpson's Hit and Run 2. Metroid Prime 1. Super Smash Bros. Melee It may be a generic list, but it's my personal recollection, hope it helps a bit..
Don't underestimate Hit and Run, I REALLY REALLY like that game for some reason.... it's the best Simpsons game if you have ANY interest in the Simpsons.
My list: - Fire Emblem Path of Radiance - Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door - Super Smash Bros Melee - Metroid Prime 1&2 - Harvest Moon: Magical Melody - Mario Kart: Double Dash Those are just the ones I remember off the top of my head, but they're some of my favorites.
1. Super Mario Sunshine 2. Kirby's Air Ride 3. SSX Tricky 4. Mario Kart: Double Dash 5. Harvest Moon (I don't know which, but it isn't Magical Melody) 6. Mario Party 4 And I don't have any other games worth playing