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Top 10 Best Graphics on a Nintendo DS game

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by shocksuspect, Apr 22, 2010.

  1. shocksuspect

    shocksuspect Active Member

    I made a video for what I believe to be the top 10 best looking games for the DS. Don't worry, it's not some crappy windows movie maker slideshow or shaky cam footage, the video is well put-together. URL's here:


    and if you want to check out my YouTube channel for more top 10's and recent DS reviews, click here:


    Let me know what you think of the list and if you agree with it; just respect it as my opinion though.

  2. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    Nice review.

    Your reviews are really well put together :)
    Keep up the great work.
  3. manaseater

    manaseater Well-Known Member

    i enjoyed the review- grabbing the two i dont already have, (#1 and #11)
  4. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    great job :)
  5. 123098

    123098 Member

    Nicely done!
    I'm going to subscribe right now!
  6. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    Nicely going shock, are you still going to make vid reviews?
  7. ventehxieteh

    ventehxieteh Well-Known Member

    nice vids man have watched most of your well put together vids love your accent kinda funny, no offense whatsoever.. subscribed on your channel keep it up!
  8. Zealous525

    Zealous525 New Member

    I like the reviews, really helpful and insightful. I also like the little humor you added. :)
  9. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I think you value "cel-shaded" games a little too much. I think KH deserved the number one spot, because to me, "cel-shaded" got old as soon as Wind Waker came out.

    Other than that, it's a pretty good list.
  10. Silentexe

    Silentexe Active Member

    KH should've been number two, I mean, just look at those characters! They didn't even need cel-shading to make it look good! The graphics on the game almost looks like an early PS2 game!
  11. rock91

    rock91 Well-Known Member

    cool cool cooooooooooooooooool. I like your reviews and all
  12. Arcelio

    Arcelio Well-Known Member

    Color me impressed. Your review actually pointed out some games that I didn't even know existed, which I'm buying soon (since I don't have a Flash Card anymore :-[).
  13. Strife89

    Strife89 Member

    I, for one, am impressed at your video overall and your selections. (There were some games that I thought would be on the list, but oh well. Can't have 'em all. :) ) I was introduced to a few games that I have never given a look, but I definitely will now. Thanks for the roundup. :)
  14. 1up01

    1up01 Member

    Well, you just earned a subscription from me. I'll be trying out the last 2 games, and I'll probably check out your other videos.

    What kind of accent is that, anyway?
  15. The Pirate

    The Pirate Active Member

    Its british. He sounds kind alike he had a bit of a cold though.
  16. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    I just tried out Dragon Quest Monsters Joker
    Really great graphics.
  17. paulthegreen

    paulthegreen Well-Known Member

    Can someone tell me the list. because I can't watch vid - Low speed internet at the moment. Thanks.
  18. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    Great video.

    I agree with number 1 at least. DQMJ had f**king awesome graphics, monster animations were perfect, really not that far off from VIII on PS2.

    But off topic: the game had its flaws -
    1. disappointing, boring story which was badly spaced out.
    2. too slow paced, caused by the running speed (pretty bad considering the size/scale of the environments)
    3. lv grinding was especially tiring (forced to retrain because of the synthesis)

    From what I've seen of DQMJ2, 1. & 2. has been improved on nicely, not sure on 3. I can't wait for it's release.
  19. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    I only started playing recently. I think it's good but there's not much excitement and its slow and it gets boring.
  20. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    a nice review. but i think you missed out some ds games with decent graphics like mario hoops, that one has pretty smooth graphics for a ds game. and now that dementium 2 is out too...