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Tongue twisters

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by kanwarrulz_123, Sep 7, 2007.

  1. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    if you notice this notice you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing
  2. mkizadon

    mkizadon Member

    say it all as fast as you can

    crazy? i ust to be crazy! they put me in a mental home my dad was in the mental home, they put him in a casket there were worms inside the casket. worms? i hate worms! worms drive me crazy, crazy i ust to be crazy they put me in a mental home my dad was in the mental home they put him in a casket there were worms inside the casket worms? i hate worms they drive me crazy
  3. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Rødgrød med fløde.
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Hmm, foreign languages huh? try these Zulu chants then :)

    Halala humba heh heh heya heeyahee
    Halala humba hela hela hela
    Halala humba heh heh heya heeyahee
    Halala humba hela hela hela

    and one some people might recognise:

    Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba
    Sithi uhm ingonyama
  5. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    red blood blue blood FASTTTTTTTT
  6. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well is the pretty old..saying...

    She sell sea shell at the seashore

    said it as fast as possible....(i cant do it >.>)
  7. thespoonybard

    thespoonybard Member

    Irish wrist watch.

    10x fast.

    i cant even say it once at a slow pace.
  8. birdbrother1

    birdbrother1 Member

    my favourite one:
    Peter Piper picked a peck of picled peppers, a peck of picled peppers Peter Piper picked, if Peter Piper picked a peck of picled peppers, wheres the peck of picled peppers Peter Piper picked.
  9. blueice8

    blueice8 New Member

    Red leather yellow leather ;D
  10. ChibiGamer

    ChibiGamer Well-Known Member

    How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

  11. thespoonybard

    thespoonybard Member

    oh yeah?

  12. ChibiGamer

    ChibiGamer Well-Known Member

    But.... That's what I said! ??? :mad: ;)
  13. gam3r

    gam3r Guest

    How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck would

    say it fast and repeat it!
  14. ChibiGamer

    ChibiGamer Well-Known Member

    Okay, are you guys just picking on me? I swear that was my tongue twister! :mad:

    :D Sillies.
  15. gam3r

    gam3r Guest

    oops, i managed to read over that one every time it was posted :p
    seriously, i didn't notice at all :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
  16. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    BUMPing an old thread because I recently created a unique tongue twister ;D

    Bulbasaur's bulb bulges in his butt ;D
  17. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    Toy boat, Toy boat, Toy Boat, (5x fast)
  18. LioneX

    LioneX New Member

    Here have a go:

    "The Sixth Sheik's Sixth Sheep's Sick"
  19. j c 2000

    j c 2000 Well-Known Member

    BUMP!!!! The seething sea ceaseth and thus the seething sea sufficeth us
  20. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I won a prize at school once for being able to say that one in front of the school speech therapist.