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To Shift Or Not To Shift

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by tarotmaniac, Jun 10, 2010.

  1. tarotmaniac

    tarotmaniac Well-Known Member

    I am Currently on my first sem on my first year in De La Salle University in the Philippines with my course being AB- International Studies Major In European Studies. I Just Got My Course List for the next 3 years and its not what i had anticipated. The Only Major I'm looking forward to is French Which I will take up on my 3rd sem this year until I graduate, History Of Civilization (2nd Year 3rd Sem), Intro to Literature and Literature Elective (3rd year 1st and 2nd sem). The rest of the classes I need to take are either on Law, Politics or Economics. I checked my friend's course list and they seem to have more classes and majors that are calling to me. I love to read and i love literature.

    The majors I'll take in Literature if i would shift would be:
    Detective Fiction (DETFICT)
    3 units
    Introduction to the literature of detection which is variously called "thriller," "whodunit," "tee story," and "crime story," "mystery."
    Pre-requisite: Literary Forms

    Creative Writing (CREWRIT)
    3 units
    A course that engages students to explore the sources of their creativity and find ways of tapping these sources by honing their critical reading and creative writing skills.
    Pre-requisite: Literary Forms


    Science Fiction (SCIFICT)
    3 units
    An introductory course designed to acquaint the students with the genre known as science fiction. The course begins with theories on the concerns or narrative structures found in science fiction and moves on to examples of science fiction from the 70's to the present.
    Pre-requisite: Literary Forms

    And Creative Writing.

    So I was considering on shifting to Literature when I can. I need your guys opinions and all. Should I shift or shouldn't I?

    Check out these links for the programs:
    Literature : http://www.dlsu.edu.ph/academics/programs/undergraduate/cla/ab-lim.asp
    European Studies : http://www.dlsu.edu.ph/academics/programs/undergraduate/cla/ab-ise.asp
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    if you're not happy on your current course then change ASAP. The longer you leave it the harder it will be to change.

    I changed courses and I'm glad I did. I originally went in for software engineering but after the first year I switched to network engineering.
  3. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    I think that course you are taking is great, but your passion won't keep up with you if you're not happy with what you're studying. Besides, it's still early for your part, so in your situation I suggest you start shifting now before it's too late.

    I've experienced that too, I've always wanted to take a different path but it's too late for me. I just recently finished my business studies. Oh well, I guess it's destiny.
  4. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    shift if your not happy, its what your going to be doing for a large part of your life
    i just quit, i couldn't be a teacher for the rest of my life, i hate kids :p
  5. tarotmaniac

    tarotmaniac Well-Known Member

    I'm 80% sure that I want to shift. I have to wait till my 3rd sem this year before I can and hopefully by then my mind has been made.
  6. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    I really like the sound of your major. I never heard of it when i started my college days, if we can exchange it with mine, then it would be so cool!

    Why did you take it in the first place? Its a lot different from literature. Its from a career of a diplomat to a writer path. I would personally suggest shifting as soon as possible. Also, i hope you can get credits from those 3 sems put to your new course, it would be a waste if it will not be credited.

    Hope you finish your stay in La Salle. Its a very prestigious school, and not everyone can enter. And don't waste your money by always shifting, remember, it cost an arm and leg to finance your stay there.
  7. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    yeah fuck kids
  8. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    But you were a kid before ::)
  9. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    I agree, his course sounds awesome. I should have took that up when I had the chance, it's my first time to hear it too.

    At De La Salle University Dasmarinas branch, everyone can enter lol as long as you have this - MONEY TALKS!
  10. tarotmaniac

    tarotmaniac Well-Known Member

    I originally wanted to be a writer but opted to take International Studies because of the prospect of working abroad and making more money. I loved European History and the like so I decided to take it, but when school started I wasn't feeling the one class I have so far which is related to my course INTGLOS(Introduction to Global Society) It talked about politics and economics, I wasn't feeling it and it is a hard class same with POLISCI whom are Professor told us that if we were to pursue our course expect more law classes and the like. I didn't like it. Then my friend showed me his Course Checklist for AB-Literature and I had this feeling that I was in the wrong place. Then he told me to check out the site to see majors and I was sold to the idea of shifting. I love to read and write and English Literature was my favorite subject back in High School and that I should pursue it hence my choice to shift.

    Don't worry most of my classes are all basic subjects that all courses will have and eventually take in the course of our first year, Like Introduction to Theology, Anthropology, Psychology. Physical Fitness, Filipino, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Fitness and Health etc... I only have one course related class that wont be credited when I shift and that would be INTGLOS. And I might only need to take 1 or 2 back subjects one of which is Introduction to Literature. So I'm not going to worry about wasting money.

    Also I love that I'll Still be in the College of Liberal Arts because we only have one Math class I need to take and that's Math Appreciation!
  11. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    I dont know about La Salles curriculum and crediting of subjects but some university only credits 9 units, and they must be with the same description. So, remember, if you want to shift, be sure that you are not into deep with your current course. If you have only a year left, better stick with it.

    I do hope you will excel in your new path. Also, a piece of advise if you want to advance in Literature, try writing a short story, and have it read by a professor or someone to critic it. And read a lot of books. Good luck!