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To play or not to play downloading for the hell of it

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by wezlock, Dec 23, 2009.

  1. wezlock

    wezlock New Member

    is it me or is this a universal thing? And what I mean is that am downloading all these great games EG: FF 1-9, RE 1-3. But I don,t actually play any of them I get more enjoyment downloading than I do playing them what is wrong with me? I think the problem is that there are so many great titles that I just can't help downloading them. I need help ! does anybody find them selfs doing the same thing let me know. let's call it a downloaders anonymous or what ever. cheers!
  2. pugmalion1

    pugmalion1 Well-Known Member

    You're a collector. There's no shame in that. Some people get more joy out of the act of collecting, than they do out of the things that they collect. I bet you're a big Pokemon fan, no?
  3. wezlock

    wezlock New Member

    no. I cant get to grips with it. i think i was a bit to old for it when it first started so i never bothered with it.
  4. maggiemaymay

    maggiemaymay Well-Known Member

    When I see an interesting title, I will google it and read the reviews. If I like it, I will download it and play at a later date. If I don't download now, it might not be available later.
  5. AcroneSF

    AcroneSF Well-Known Member

    When i get games i really like i play them for a day then they just sit there un-used. Its not that i dont want them i just dont feel like playing it. Although if someone were to ask me to delete it i'de tell em to get stuffed! so i dunno might be similar to you.
  6. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    If you buy the game. You will complete it. You have invested into the game, with actual cash. With downloading, it was free, you feel no need to actually complete the game. There's no compelling voice in your head saying "well you paid for this damned thing, you best bloody complete it!".
  7. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    haha! I know I no longer hear thoes voices! but I know the feeling I download games and I don't play them through I just maybe play for a bit and stop and if I do play it it's at a later date when I feel more relaxed and in the mood to invest time in a a game that I know i'll get more enjoyment when I really have nothing better to do, but to be honest I actually think I download more,video edit more and Post on forums more then actually play these games, however the more recent games I did beat we're phantasy star zero and pokemon heart gold soul silver all the other ones I have on my computer have been sitting on my desktop gathering Virtual dust.
  8. wezlock

    wezlock New Member

    I think that if you had to pay for your downloads say it cost 5 pounds/ dollers am pretty sure people would play the game they downloaded i know would. not that am suggesting romulation do that of course. or the reason some people don't play the games they download is because of current gen consoles. why eat a beef burger when you can have steak. I don't take games with rubbish graphics seriously and because they ain't that realistic compared to todays games i can't get into them. which is sad because there's so many great games out there.
  9. Apollooo

    Apollooo Well-Known Member

    same here !!
  10. emmkayye

    emmkayye Well-Known Member

    same here. i have heaps of games on my r4 that hasnt been played for ages. :L
  11. destrielve

    destrielve New Member

    Well, seeing how I bought the Metroid Prime Trilogy (I never played any of the Prime games before), I haven't beat them either, despite having them for well over 3 months. I haven't been playing them recently, either. xD
  12. emmkayye

    emmkayye Well-Known Member

    thats not always true. i bought the simpsons game before i knew about the r4 but never completed it coz it was boring. now the case is all dusty.
  13. MysticMaja

    MysticMaja Well-Known Member

    yeah, I know how you feel!

    But with me, I think I tend to not finish games because I don't pay for them. When I pay for games, I usually finish them even though they're crappy to get the most out of my money.
  14. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I'm much the same.

    Problem is, I still buy games as well, usually the collector's editons.

    Bayonetta, ninja gaiden sigma 2 and avp collector's editions all coming my way :)

    I do try to finish a few, but only unworthy/short games tend to be beaten, those with depth don't get finished..like zelda twilight princess.

    I wasted $70 on that :(
  15. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I just collect games...only worth-while ones though. Especially Wii games since they're so big in file-size.
  16. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I try to go for those that might be worth some profit...

    BTW does anyone want some metal gear solid games, real ones :)

    [me=hYpNoS]doesn't expect an answer but he has mgs 1, 2 and 3 to get rid off[/me]
  17. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I would take you up on the offer, but I live half the world away... :(
  18. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    If you had pay pal and willing to deal with postage and handling this could continue...

    Pm me if you want to go further, otherwise we might de-rail this thread :p

    ...lol look at me now, I'm downloading free downloadable content for ridge racer 7 despite the fact I sure am not gonna be using these girly looking decal sets :p
  19. Sbf93

    Sbf93 Well-Known Member

    I always downloaded games play them some hours, then I get a new game and dont play the one I downloaded before again.
    But before a month or so I had a look to my Wii-collection and though "So many great titles and I only know the end of some of them!" Thats why I have 2 places for my Wiigames now: one for the unplayed games and one for the completed ones. And when I now download a game I dont insert the disc until I completed the game I currently play. When I dont have fun with a game anymore I think on how good the next game I play will be and this is a big motivation to complete the game fast.
  20. Mein

    Mein Well-Known Member

    It's common to some people to collect something rather than use it.
    So, don't worry about it. ;)