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to all poets.....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by zanzetzuken19, Dec 10, 2008.

  1. zanzetzuken19

    zanzetzuken19 Well-Known Member

    to all the poets out there our wanna be poets hehe... write the best poem you can think of or the poem you had already written!!
  2. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Chucks out an old post from an old thread:


    Farewell divine & honest glee,
    The glory that was within me,
    Beginnings of all Humanity,
    My Child, My Child, Now go and Flee!
    May your strength stay with thee,
    Stay forth unto infinity.

    My Child, My Child, Now I set you free!
    Never again shall you be unhappy,
    Free from the voices of Man's society,
    Never again, anyone dare to envy,
    No longer bound by his jealousy,
    Farewell my Child, You are no longer me!

    The Cube

    What makes thee so right and quaint?
    What is it you hide inside,
    Out of sight, amidst the blur,
    Perfection, is it all that's there?
    Never giving off, whatever's wrong.
    Or is it, that things are void:
    In one point, existence is clear,
    In reality...
    Nothing exists.


    Running still, but where to go?
    Out of place and out of hope,
    Weakness starts to befall my feet,
    safety is just out of reach.
    All my hopes and all my strength
    now I loose as I go on.
    Now I know what I must do
    Sit this one out,
    wait for the slaughter
    for it would soon be all over!

    Don't you dare plagiarize my work :p
  3. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    I missed my chance

    Currently (Spotlight holder in Gaia -.-)

    Out in the open,
    We never talked, or chat,
    While in private,
    We never took a nap.

    We went places,
    We played games,
    We hung out,
    We changed names,
    We took gambles,
    We took bets,
    We took lots of stuff,
    But I never took my chance.

    Of all the times,
    Of all the whens,
    I could never ask you out,
    Or take a turn at teh bend.

    My tongue was tied,
    My knees were restless,
    I sat along,
    Waiting for that chance,
    But when it came,
    I never did take that chance.

    To all those times I could've kissed you,
    To all those times I could've hugged you,
    Instead I just sat there,
    Frozen in a field of blue,
    I missed those chances.

    When we talked about crushes,
    I honestly thought I could do it,
    But instead, I joked accordingly,
    Because I thought you wouldn't agree.

    But that time, I was so wrong,
    And you set me free,
    These jokes I now despise,
    I missed my chance.

    Now it all seems so fast,
    As all these chances are past,
    I'm too embarrassed to talk to you anymore,
    Because of the sole reason,
    I missed all those chances.
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    kamage: that poem reminds me of Smokie's 'Living next door to Alice'

    here: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=wcVLeUFW-AM
  5. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    Um, is that a compliment? I honestly don't know what to say -.-
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    yes... its a good song with the same theme.
  7. zanzetzuken19

    zanzetzuken19 Well-Known Member

    wow!!! i'm impressed with you guy's poems!!! is it time to type mines??? ok ok.... hihihih

    "Words to make you feel..."

    I confessed, sent and made you receive
    my love in a wrong time.
    i jotted, labeled and said to you
    everything too early.

    I acted and didn't holf my self back for the first time
    it made me glad and sad in the same time

    that letter i thought about and think
    so hard to put all the right words for you, to inform you how i felt

    It made me sad, suffer and mad
    about myself acting so suddenly....
    i really want you to feel, experience, and see how i love

    but it can't, it will never happen because you only see me as a friend
    I like, want and love you
    i hope there's a way, a path in your heart to be opened
    to see me as a man
    that loves, cares and wanted to appreciate things with you

    I hope you'll know, understand and remember
    the memories you lit on fire...
  8. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    WOW! Excellent. It reminds me of a time in my life when I had a friend that I was in love with. I miss her. You brought back a lot of memories for me.....thank you.
  9. zanzetzuken19

    zanzetzuken19 Well-Known Member

    thanks!! try to post one if you like!!