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Time window? For downloads before cease and desist.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by qazokm1, Jun 14, 2010.

  1. qazokm1

    qazokm1 Member

    When a new rom is posted on here, does anyone know whats the minimum time we have to download it before you get a cease and desist letter.

    I noticed some of the locked games already managed to get a few hundred downloads.

    Does the letter have to arrive by post!
    Or are you legally obliged to put the block on on getting a fax or email.

    Also if you put the new new rom during the night , you could delay reading their mail for a few hours.

    Or are these companies like EA for instance, got bots scanning your site, and have a prog that automatically emails you as soon it sees its title online.
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    we are obliged to immediately remove games when we receive an email. We don't have answers for any of your other questions.